
Rannpháirtíocht sa tSeirbhís Bhailithe Bruscair- Waste Participation Study

Le ceithre mhí anuas, tá an comhlacht comhairleacha RPS i mbun taighde chun rannpháirtíocht pobail Árainn Mhóir sa tseirbhís bhailithe bruscair a mheas. Thaisteal ionadaithe ó RPS timpeall an oileáin gach coicís le roinnt míonna anuas i gcuideachta solathar na seirbhíse bhailithe bruscair. Beidh torthaí an tsuirbhé ar fáil ag RPS i gceann coicíse.

During the past four months, RPS Consultants have been conducting a study to ascertain the level of participation of islanders in the waste collection service on the island. Each fortnight, in recent months, a representative of RPS has accompanied the refuse collectors during their rounds. The results of the study will be finalised by RPS within two weeks.