
Economic Development of the Islands –Forbairt Eacnamaíoch na nOileán

The Minister for Community, Equality and Gaeltacht Affairs, Pat Carey, T.D., has announced the launch of a report on the employment needs and the economic development potential of the islands. The economic consultants, FGS Consulting, were commissioned by the Department of Community, Equality and Gaeltacht Affairs to compile the report under the direction of a steering committee made up of representatives from Comhar na nOileán, Údarás na Gaeltachta and the Department itself. The report's recommendations relate to the following areas:
• Issues related to the cost of living and to improving the islands' infrastructure;

• Cost factors that prevent the establishment and operation of commercial enterprises on the islands;

• The islands' development potential and the employment needs of island communities;

• Recommendations regarding further targeted support measures which would be aimed at the promotion of sustainable development and job creation; and

• The costs and advantages relating to any of the new measures recommended to support investment.

Minister Carey said that the Department would use the report as a basis for the development of further policies in relation to the islands in the coming years and that he hoped that some of the recommendations could be put in place in the short term at very little cost. He said, "We now intend to carry out a further examination of the various recommendations made in the report in consultation with other relevant Departments and state agencies to establish the most practical method of implementation."

A copy of the complete study is available on the Department's website www.pobail.ie.

The following is a list of the islands which were included in the study:

Toraigh Donegal 142

Árainn Mhór Donegal 522

Clare Island Mayo 136

Inishturk Island Mayo 58

Inishbofin Galway 199

Árainn Galway 824

Inis Meáin Galway 154

Inis Oírr Galway 247

Bear Island Cork 187

Sherkin Island Cork 106

Cléire Cork 125

Issued by the Press & Information Office at the Dept. of Community, Equality & Gaeltacht Affairs

Eisithe ag Oifig Preasa & Eolais na Roinne Gnóthaí Pobail, Comhionannais agus Gaeltachta.

Tel/Teil: 01 647 3130 Fax/Facs: 01 6473215 087 7956378

Email / Ríomhphost: eolas@pobail.ie Web/Gréasán: http://www.pobail.ie/

Tá sé fógartha ag an Aire Gnóthaí Pobail, Comhionannais agus Gaeltachta, Pádraig Ó Ciardha T.D., go bhfuil tuarascáil maidir le riachtanais fostaíochta agus cumas forbartha eacnamaíoch na n-oileán lainseáilte aige. Choimisiúnaigh an Roinn Gnóthaí Pobail, Comhionannais agus Gaeltachta na comhairleoirí eacnamaíocha, FGS Consulting, chun an tuarascáil a chur le chéile faoi chúram coiste stiúrtha a bhí comhdhéanta d’ionadaithe ó Chomhar na nOileán, Údarás na Gaeltachta agus an Roinn féin. Cuimsíonn moltaí na tuarascála na réimsí seo a leanas:

• Saincheisteanna a bhaineann le costas maireachtála agus feabhsú bonneagair na n-oileán;

• Fachtóirí costais a chuireann cosc ar bhunú agus ar fheidhmiú fiontair thráchtála ar na hoileáin;

• Cumas forbartha na n-oileán agus riachtanais fostaíochta a bpobal;

• Moltaí faoi bhearta tacaíochta spriocdhírithe breise a mbeadh sé mar aidhm acu forbairt inbhuanaithe agus cruthú post a chur chun cinn; agus

• Na costais agus na buntáistí a bhainfeadh le bearta molta nua ar bith chun tacú le hinfheistíocht.

Dúirt an tAire Ó Ciardha go mbeadh an tuarascáil mar bhunús ag a Roinn chun polasaithe breise a fhorbairt i leith na n-oileán sna blianta amach romhainn agus go raibh súil aige go bhféadfaí roinnt de na moltaí a chur i gcrích sa ghearrthéarma ar bhonn neamhchostasach.“ Chuige sin,” a dúirt sé, “tá sé i gceist anois moltaí éagsúla na tuarascála a scrúdú tuilleadh i gcomhairle leis na Ranna agus na gníomhaireachtaí stáit chuí eile féachaint conas is fearr feidhm phraiticiúil a thabhairt dóibh.”

Tá cóip den staidéar iomlán le fáil ar shuíomh idirlín na Roinne ag www.pobail.ie.

Eolas Breise:

Is iad na hoileáin a bhí mar ábhar don staidéar ná:

Toraigh Dún na nGall 142

Árainn Mhór Dún na nGall 522

Cliara Maigh Eo 136

Inis Toirc Maigh Eo 58

Inis Bó Finne Gaillimh 199

Árainn Gaillimh 824

Inis Meáin Gaillimh 154

Inis Oírr Gaillimh 247

Béara Corcaigh 187

Inis Earcáin Corcaigh 106

Cléire Corcaigh 125

Issued by the Press & Information Office at the Dept. of Community, Equality & Gaeltacht Affairs

Eisithe ag Oifig Preasa & Eolais na Roinne Gnóthaí Pobail, Comhionannais agus Gaeltachta.

Tel/Teil: 01 647 3130 Fax/Facs: 01 6473215 087 7956378

Email / Ríomhphost: eolas@pobail.ie Web/Gréasán: www.pobail.ie