A tax on Non Principal Private Residences came into effect in Ireland on 31st July 2009. The 2009 payments are due by 30th September 2009. One month’s grace is allowed–payments made after October 31st will incur a penalty of €20 per month or part month.
The new property charge is aimed at rented property, holiday homes/second homes. Initially it will be set at €200 a year and proceeds will be used to help fund Local Authorities. The charge is the same for all properties, regardless of size, location or value.
The main exemption is for principal private residences. No person can have more than one sole or main residence. If you are renting a home and own another property – you are still liable for the NPPR.
Some Exemptions:
a) Properties are exempt if they are rented out as part of the RAS (rental accommodation scheme) or rented to the HSE , or leased to a housing authority;
b) Where a person partly occupies a dwelling as his or her sole or main residence, and avails of and is entitled to the Revenue Commissioner’s Rent-a- Room Scheme, no liability for the NPPR charge will apply
c) Charities are exempt
d)Properies that are liable for commercial rates will not be laible for the NPPPr charge.
e)There is also an exemption for Newly Constructed but Unsold Buildings – that are vacant and have never been occupied.
The new property charge is to be paid to a body called the NPPR . You will be able to register your properties and pay the charges online at the nppr.ie website by credit or debit card.
Property owners will also be able to register and pay at your local council offices using an NPPR registration form. The payment types accepted wil be credit card, debit card, bank draft, postal order and cheque.
Late Payment : if the NPPR charge is not paid within a month after the last date for payment, a late payment fee of €20 will apply for every month or part of month that the €200 Euro charge remains unpaid.
From 2010 the charge will be due before March 31st every year.
Property Registration:
The onus is on property owners to register any properties that are not their principal residence.
The Local Government Charges Bill 2009 allows for the use of information from the Private Residential Tenancies Board, the Revenue department and ESB to assist in the identification of non principal residences. Properties in the Rental Accommodation Scheme are exempt. There are also limited exemptions where a person is moving house and temporarily owns two houses for a short period.
Further Information: http://www.nppr.ie/
Feidhmíonn Comharchumann Árainn Mhór mar eagrais forbartha pobal a sholáthraíonn aiseanna pobal, seirbhísí trádála, seirbhísí riaracháin agus tacaíochta do phobal Árainn Mhór. Tá sé mar aidhm ag an chomharchumann, trínár gcuid gníomhaíochtaí, acmhainní timpeallachta, turasóireachta, chultúrtha agus oidhreachta an oileáin a fheabhsú agus a fhorbairt, ar mhaithe le saol eacnamaíochta, cultúrtha agus sóisialta pobal an oileáin a fheabhsú. Bainisteoir: Nóirín Uí Mhaoldomhnaigh.
Lá Náisiúnta na gCosán - National Trails Day 2009 - 4th October 2009

National Trails Day Event , Arranmore, Sunday, 4th October 2009
This October will see the second ever event of its kind taking place across the country with everyone being encouraged to be a part of it - get out and hit the trail !
National Trails Day will see events being organised around the country to suit all ages, abilities and interests.
Walking Event: Oileán Árainn Mhóir
Event Name
Siúlóid timpeall lochanna an oileáin- Looped walk around island lakes
Oileán Árainn Mhóir – Arranmore Island
Siúlóid dúlra le radhairc áite– Nature walk with scenic views
Description of event:
Siúlóid dúlra le radhairc áite– Nature walk with scenic views
(Aiseanna Picnic – Picnic Facilities)
Host organisation:
Comharchumann Oileán Árainn Mhóir
Arranmore Island Development Co-op
Contact name:
Seán Mac Eachmharcaigh
Phone number:
074 9520533
087 7418953
Email address:
Website address:
Nearest town:
Ailt an Chorráin – An Clochán Liath
Burtonport - Dungloe
How to get there:
Seirbhísí farantóireachta ó hAilt an Chorráin
Access to Oileán Árainn Mhóir is by ferry from Burtonport
Meeting point:
Cé na Leidhbe Gairbhe – Leabgarrow Pier
Time of event:
2 uair an chloig – 2 hours
Suitable for:
Gach aois grúpa – All ages
Clár Ama na mBád - Ferry Timetables
Arranmore Ferry: 074 9520533
Fast Ferry Group: 087 3171810
General instructions:
Caith éadaí agus bróga fearthainne.
Wear waterproof clothing and footwear
Further Information:www.nationaltrailsday.ie
& Comharchumann Oileán Árainn Mhóir 074 9520533
Eurowatchers Course
Eurowatchers Course
This 12 hour VEC course, which aims to help individuals to manage household budgets and make the most of their money will take place in the Culture Centre. Fallagowan.
To enrol for this course, contact Sinead Uí Bhaoill, Comharchumann Oileán Árainn Mhóir. 074 9520533
This 12 hour VEC course, which aims to help individuals to manage household budgets and make the most of their money will take place in the Culture Centre. Fallagowan.
To enrol for this course, contact Sinead Uí Bhaoill, Comharchumann Oileán Árainn Mhóir. 074 9520533
Pensioners protest against transport cuts
More than 350 angry pensioners attended a public meeting in Ballybofey on Wednesday night to protest against cuts to the rural transport programme.
They are all regular users of the scheme, which is run by three companies in Donegal, all managed by voluntary boards. The McCarthy report advocates the total abolition of the rural transport programme, which was set up in Donegal in 2002 but only began operating in some areas of the county as recently as nine months ago.
Fiona O'Shea manages the programme for Seirbhís Iompair Tuaithe Teo (SITT), which services the south, southwest and much of the northeast of the county. She told the Democrat those present at the meeting represent only the tip of the iceberg. "Helping the elderly retain their independence is only one aspect of rural transport. It's part of the fabric of community, enabling community groups, family resource centres, afterschool projects and the HSE to provide access to their programmes. In fact, 99% of the rural transport fleet is fully wheelchair accessible, a ratio you'd never find in privately-run companies."
Cormac Skinnader, manager of the programme in Inishowen, says it makes a massive difference in people's lives. "The difference is independence. There's been a great take-up. People who have their own transport don't understand what it's like not to be able to get around."
Kathy Anderson, a regular user of rural transport, spoke on behalf of people from the Stranorlar/Ballybofey area. "I'm a firm believer that a country is judged by how it looks after the young, the ill and the elderly. We hope this service won't be taken away."
Mary McKinney, a member of the sub-committee for Inishowen Rural Transport, added: "The politicians must ask themselves what the reaction would be if Dublin Bus was done away with, along with the DART and commuter trains. People in Donegal have as much of a right to public transport as anyone living in Dublin. It's the one issue that comes up in community development across every single sector."
Dinny McGinley, TD, agreed the rural transport programme was "a great godsend to the 50,000 people who used the service in the last six months and to the voluntary sector".
Senator Pearse Doherty recalled that his first job on graduating in 1999 was undertaking an audit of rural transport in the Donegal Gaeltacht . "So I'm thoroughly aware of its importance. You are preaching to the converted when talking to me or my party about rural transport."
Senator Brian O'Domhnaill said the programme in Donegal represents "value for money, Smarter Transport". He concluded: "Pennies are being spent on it in an overall context, yet it gives people a better quality of life".
Donegal Democrat
They are all regular users of the scheme, which is run by three companies in Donegal, all managed by voluntary boards. The McCarthy report advocates the total abolition of the rural transport programme, which was set up in Donegal in 2002 but only began operating in some areas of the county as recently as nine months ago.
Fiona O'Shea manages the programme for Seirbhís Iompair Tuaithe Teo (SITT), which services the south, southwest and much of the northeast of the county. She told the Democrat those present at the meeting represent only the tip of the iceberg. "Helping the elderly retain their independence is only one aspect of rural transport. It's part of the fabric of community, enabling community groups, family resource centres, afterschool projects and the HSE to provide access to their programmes. In fact, 99% of the rural transport fleet is fully wheelchair accessible, a ratio you'd never find in privately-run companies."
Cormac Skinnader, manager of the programme in Inishowen, says it makes a massive difference in people's lives. "The difference is independence. There's been a great take-up. People who have their own transport don't understand what it's like not to be able to get around."
Kathy Anderson, a regular user of rural transport, spoke on behalf of people from the Stranorlar/Ballybofey area. "I'm a firm believer that a country is judged by how it looks after the young, the ill and the elderly. We hope this service won't be taken away."
Mary McKinney, a member of the sub-committee for Inishowen Rural Transport, added: "The politicians must ask themselves what the reaction would be if Dublin Bus was done away with, along with the DART and commuter trains. People in Donegal have as much of a right to public transport as anyone living in Dublin. It's the one issue that comes up in community development across every single sector."
Dinny McGinley, TD, agreed the rural transport programme was "a great godsend to the 50,000 people who used the service in the last six months and to the voluntary sector".
Senator Pearse Doherty recalled that his first job on graduating in 1999 was undertaking an audit of rural transport in the Donegal Gaeltacht . "So I'm thoroughly aware of its importance. You are preaching to the converted when talking to me or my party about rural transport."
Senator Brian O'Domhnaill said the programme in Donegal represents "value for money, Smarter Transport". He concluded: "Pennies are being spent on it in an overall context, yet it gives people a better quality of life".
Donegal Democrat
Irish Classes - Ranganna Gaeilge
Irish Classes - Ranganna Gaeilge
Venue/Ionad: Ionad Séirbhísí Teanga, An Chultúrlann, Fál a’ Ghabhann
Date of commencement/Dáta tosaithe: Dates to be arranged/Le socrú
Duration of course/Tréimhse an chúrsa: 10 seachtainí/weeks
Levels/Leibhéil: Glantosaitheoirí & daoine le roinnt Gaeilge/Beginners & Intermediate Levels
Fee/Táille: €50.00
Cáilíocht/Qualification: Beidh deis agat cáilíocht atá aitheanta ar fud na hEorpa a bhaint amach duit féin. You will have the opportunity to obtain a European qualification.
Registration/Further information contact/Clárú/tuilleadh eolais déan teagmháil le:
Oifig an Chomharchumainn 074 9520533/9520995
Gaeilge 2010. www.udaras.ie
Teastas na hEorpa. www.teg.ie
Venue/Ionad: Ionad Séirbhísí Teanga, An Chultúrlann, Fál a’ Ghabhann
Date of commencement/Dáta tosaithe: Dates to be arranged/Le socrú
Duration of course/Tréimhse an chúrsa: 10 seachtainí/weeks
Levels/Leibhéil: Glantosaitheoirí & daoine le roinnt Gaeilge/Beginners & Intermediate Levels
Fee/Táille: €50.00
Cáilíocht/Qualification: Beidh deis agat cáilíocht atá aitheanta ar fud na hEorpa a bhaint amach duit féin. You will have the opportunity to obtain a European qualification.
Registration/Further information contact/Clárú/tuilleadh eolais déan teagmháil le:
Oifig an Chomharchumainn 074 9520533/9520995
Gaeilge 2010. www.udaras.ie
Teastas na hEorpa. www.teg.ie
Máistir ranganna do scríbhneoirí óga na Gaeilge
Deireadh seachtaine
Máistir ranganna do scríbhneoirí óga na Gaeilge
An bhfuil suim agat sa Scríbhneoireacht Chruthaitheach?
Tá Ealaín na Gaeltachta i gcomhpháirtíocht leis An gComhairle Ealaín, ag eagrú deireadh seachtaine ceardlanna do scríbhneoirí óga a bhfuil féith na scríbhneoireachta léirithe acu.
Is í an aidhm atá leis na ceardlanna, grúpa scríbhneoirí Gaeilge idir 18 agus 25 bliana d’aois a thabhairt le chéile faoi stiúir scríbhneoirí aitheanta, agus an deis a thabhairt dóibh díriú ar shaothar a fhorbairt i measc a gcomhpháirtithe, i dtimpeallacht chuidiúil, spreagúil.
Beidh na ceardlanna faoi stiúir na scríbhneoirí aitheanta, Louis de Paor agus Éilís Ní Dhuibhne agus reáchtálfar iad i dtearmann cruthaitheachta Cnoc Suain, sa Spidéal thar na deireadh seachtaine 23 – 25 Deireadh Fómhair 2009.
Seol isteach C.V gearr maidir le do thaithí scríbhneoireachta agus trí shampla de do shaothar (prós nó filíocht).
Is deis iontach í seo agus ní bheidh áit ar fáil sna ceardlanna ach do líon beag agus beidh na h-iarratais á meas roimh 30 Meán Fómhair.
Tuilleadh eolais le fáil ó:
Mhuireann Ní Dhroighneáin
Áisitheoir Ealaín
Ealaín na Gaeltachta
Údarás na Gaeltachta na Forbacha
Co na Gaillimhe
Máistir ranganna do scríbhneoirí óga na Gaeilge
An bhfuil suim agat sa Scríbhneoireacht Chruthaitheach?
Tá Ealaín na Gaeltachta i gcomhpháirtíocht leis An gComhairle Ealaín, ag eagrú deireadh seachtaine ceardlanna do scríbhneoirí óga a bhfuil féith na scríbhneoireachta léirithe acu.
Is í an aidhm atá leis na ceardlanna, grúpa scríbhneoirí Gaeilge idir 18 agus 25 bliana d’aois a thabhairt le chéile faoi stiúir scríbhneoirí aitheanta, agus an deis a thabhairt dóibh díriú ar shaothar a fhorbairt i measc a gcomhpháirtithe, i dtimpeallacht chuidiúil, spreagúil.
Beidh na ceardlanna faoi stiúir na scríbhneoirí aitheanta, Louis de Paor agus Éilís Ní Dhuibhne agus reáchtálfar iad i dtearmann cruthaitheachta Cnoc Suain, sa Spidéal thar na deireadh seachtaine 23 – 25 Deireadh Fómhair 2009.
Seol isteach C.V gearr maidir le do thaithí scríbhneoireachta agus trí shampla de do shaothar (prós nó filíocht).
Is deis iontach í seo agus ní bheidh áit ar fáil sna ceardlanna ach do líon beag agus beidh na h-iarratais á meas roimh 30 Meán Fómhair.
Tuilleadh eolais le fáil ó:
Mhuireann Ní Dhroighneáin
Áisitheoir Ealaín
Ealaín na Gaeltachta
Údarás na Gaeltachta na Forbacha
Co na Gaillimhe
Adjudication Report - Tidy Towns Competition 2009
Tidy Towns Competition 2009
Adjudication Report
Centre: Árainn Mhór Ref: 1227
County: Donegal Mark: 221
Category: B Date(s): 25/06/2009
Mark Awarded 2009
Overall Development Approach 27/50
The Built Environment 30/50
Landscaping 26/50
Wildlife and Natural Amenities 22/50
Litter Control 20/50
Waste Minimization 10/20
Tidiness 17/30
Residential Areas 30/40
Roads, Streets and Back Areas 32/50
General Impression 7/10
Overall Development Approach:
Thank you for your entry into this year’s TidyTowns Competition. Congratulations on your increase of points on 2008. It is clear that you feel that this competition is of great benefit. You seem to work well with other organisations. Your communication is good too. Your blog-spot is very useful and a good way of keeping the community at home and away up to date.
The Built Environment:
The Glen Hotel was looking very clean and bright and the lawn was well kept. The old Coast Guard Building looks very poor. A mural here might improve the appearance. The Ionad Seirbhísí Teanga looked very well. The Baile Saoire and all of the associated buildings looked extremely good. The Údarás building looked well and was much in use (for classes) on day of visit. The national school was also in use and looked bright and fresh. A satellite dish has been added since the adjudicator’s last time on Árainn Mhór. The grounds of the
secondary school looked really well. The Post Office looked well as did the shop and hostel opposite. The lighthouse looked super on this sunny day.
The shrine is well kept. The Árainn Mhór/ Beaver Island monument is very unusual and was admired. The associated works here are good. There is still no information on the board here. There is lovely planting at the secondary school, especially the roses. The work at the Baile Saoire was much admired. The front area of the Comharchumann looks very good. The new name stones and planting here were admired.
Wildlife and Natural Amenities:
The circular walking route brings the walker past some lovely habitat areas. Plants such as bog cotton, asphodel, sphagnum mosses and tormentil were abundant. The plan to provide information on wildlife for visitors is a good one and is overdue.
Litter Control:
Some litter and fly-tipping was noted. This was very unlikely to be caused by visitors. The fact that this was visible from way marked routes that the island promotes is very poor. The litterbin beside the lighthouse had been opened and rubbish was strewn about.
Waste Minimisation:
Well done for your various waste minimisation initiatives. Your blog-spot has details of the survey and study in which you’ve been participating. This is a very positive move. Well done on hosting the composting workshop. Is it known what percentage of households do compost? The bring banks were spotless, well kept and with a very nice information board.
There was no information on the board at the viewing point to the north of the island: There was no namesign on the secondary school, only a forbidding Do Not Enter sign. The ‘Ais Picnic’ sign at the lighthouse is barely legible. The bin and the Leadhb Gharbh sign both looked well. The new playground looks great, especially the climbing frogs!
Residential Areas:
The standard of maintenance and upkeep of private houses was high and there were some great examples of this.
Roads, Streets and Back Areas:
Árainn Mhór lends itself very well to walking and cycling and as there are so few cars it is very safe. The Slí Árainn Mhóir information signs are extremely good. However, it is felt that the walking routes are a little confusing in places and could be clarified with a couple of extra signs.
General Impression:
Árainn Mhór was seen on a beautiful summer day and the natural aspects of the island were spectacular. The walking routes are excellent but some should be clarified. Your idea for wildlife information and signage is good and should be acted upon. Also in need of action is the litter and fly-tipping which detracts greatly from the landscape. Your group is active and communicates well. There are many attractions on Árainn Mhór and it will no doubt continue to attract visitors in great numbers. The work that you are doing will maximise the
experience for them as well as improve the quality of life for the residents of this lovely island.
Adjudication Report
Centre: Árainn Mhór Ref: 1227
County: Donegal Mark: 221
Category: B Date(s): 25/06/2009
Mark Awarded 2009
Overall Development Approach 27/50
The Built Environment 30/50
Landscaping 26/50
Wildlife and Natural Amenities 22/50
Litter Control 20/50
Waste Minimization 10/20
Tidiness 17/30
Residential Areas 30/40
Roads, Streets and Back Areas 32/50
General Impression 7/10
Overall Development Approach:
Thank you for your entry into this year’s TidyTowns Competition. Congratulations on your increase of points on 2008. It is clear that you feel that this competition is of great benefit. You seem to work well with other organisations. Your communication is good too. Your blog-spot is very useful and a good way of keeping the community at home and away up to date.
The Built Environment:
The Glen Hotel was looking very clean and bright and the lawn was well kept. The old Coast Guard Building looks very poor. A mural here might improve the appearance. The Ionad Seirbhísí Teanga looked very well. The Baile Saoire and all of the associated buildings looked extremely good. The Údarás building looked well and was much in use (for classes) on day of visit. The national school was also in use and looked bright and fresh. A satellite dish has been added since the adjudicator’s last time on Árainn Mhór. The grounds of the
secondary school looked really well. The Post Office looked well as did the shop and hostel opposite. The lighthouse looked super on this sunny day.
The shrine is well kept. The Árainn Mhór/ Beaver Island monument is very unusual and was admired. The associated works here are good. There is still no information on the board here. There is lovely planting at the secondary school, especially the roses. The work at the Baile Saoire was much admired. The front area of the Comharchumann looks very good. The new name stones and planting here were admired.
Wildlife and Natural Amenities:
The circular walking route brings the walker past some lovely habitat areas. Plants such as bog cotton, asphodel, sphagnum mosses and tormentil were abundant. The plan to provide information on wildlife for visitors is a good one and is overdue.
Litter Control:
Some litter and fly-tipping was noted. This was very unlikely to be caused by visitors. The fact that this was visible from way marked routes that the island promotes is very poor. The litterbin beside the lighthouse had been opened and rubbish was strewn about.
Waste Minimisation:
Well done for your various waste minimisation initiatives. Your blog-spot has details of the survey and study in which you’ve been participating. This is a very positive move. Well done on hosting the composting workshop. Is it known what percentage of households do compost? The bring banks were spotless, well kept and with a very nice information board.
There was no information on the board at the viewing point to the north of the island: There was no namesign on the secondary school, only a forbidding Do Not Enter sign. The ‘Ais Picnic’ sign at the lighthouse is barely legible. The bin and the Leadhb Gharbh sign both looked well. The new playground looks great, especially the climbing frogs!
Residential Areas:
The standard of maintenance and upkeep of private houses was high and there were some great examples of this.
Roads, Streets and Back Areas:
Árainn Mhór lends itself very well to walking and cycling and as there are so few cars it is very safe. The Slí Árainn Mhóir information signs are extremely good. However, it is felt that the walking routes are a little confusing in places and could be clarified with a couple of extra signs.
General Impression:
Árainn Mhór was seen on a beautiful summer day and the natural aspects of the island were spectacular. The walking routes are excellent but some should be clarified. Your idea for wildlife information and signage is good and should be acted upon. Also in need of action is the litter and fly-tipping which detracts greatly from the landscape. Your group is active and communicates well. There are many attractions on Árainn Mhór and it will no doubt continue to attract visitors in great numbers. The work that you are doing will maximise the
experience for them as well as improve the quality of life for the residents of this lovely island.
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