© Donegal Democrat
A Fine Gael Glenties electoral area councillor was delighted to learn the Donegal Gaeltacht area is the most vibrant in the State and the Irish language is being used on a more regular basis outside this area.
Councillor Padraig Ó’Dochartaigh was commenting on recent statistics that were made available to him at a recent sitting of Glenties electoral meeting. The survey outlined how the vibrant gaeltacht area in Donegal enjoyed being the region where Irish is spoken more frequently than any other area within the State. Cllr. Ó Dochartaigh said: ‘There is a lot of Irish being spoken in Letterkenny and other regions of the county. A lot of different households speak Irish. There are many Irish speakers living in the Letterkenny area. There is a huge demand for the Gaelscoileanna out there.’ In County Donegal in 2006 there was 50,415 households of which 25,620 households indicated that they were Irish households with Irish speakers. In addition there was 8,711 total private households in the Gaeltacht area of which over 80 per cent indicated that they were Irish speakers. County Donegal’s figure was above the average figure for the Gaeltacht area in the State at 80.1 per cent.
Feidhmíonn Comharchumann Árainn Mhór mar eagrais forbartha pobal a sholáthraíonn aiseanna pobal, seirbhísí trádála, seirbhísí riaracháin agus tacaíochta do phobal Árainn Mhór. Tá sé mar aidhm ag an chomharchumann, trínár gcuid gníomhaíochtaí, acmhainní timpeallachta, turasóireachta, chultúrtha agus oidhreachta an oileáin a fheabhsú agus a fhorbairt, ar mhaithe le saol eacnamaíochta, cultúrtha agus sóisialta pobal an oileáin a fheabhsú. Bainisteoir: Nóirín Uí Mhaoldomhnaigh.
Enterprising Donegal Business Week 2009
Donegal County Enterprise Board would like to confirm that ‘Enterprising Donegal Business Week 2009’ will take place from March 20th until March 27th.
Included this year in the Business Week are a range of events including workshops, seminars and a number of local and national case studies that are hoped will give direction and practical help to both existing and planned businesses in surviving and in preparing for the future.
For further details, please see attached brochure and timetable.
Full details available at http://www.donegalenterprise.ie/dceb/Feature.aspx?ID=532
Included this year in the Business Week are a range of events including workshops, seminars and a number of local and national case studies that are hoped will give direction and practical help to both existing and planned businesses in surviving and in preparing for the future.
For further details, please see attached brochure and timetable.
Full details available at http://www.donegalenterprise.ie/dceb/Feature.aspx?ID=532
Citizens Information - Faisnéis do Shaoránaigh
A Free Advice & Confidential Service
The Dungloe Citizens Information Officer will be in attendance
In Comharchumann Oileán Árainn Mhóir Teo
On Friday the 24th of April 2009
Between 10.30am – 1.00pm
Dealing with Social Welfare Entitlements, Housing Grants, Insulation Grants, Health Entitlements; Employment Rights, Family Matters, Consumer Rights, Education etc.
No Appointment Necessary
The Dungloe Citizens Information Officer will be in attendance
In Comharchumann Oileán Árainn Mhóir Teo
On Friday the 24th of April 2009
Between 10.30am – 1.00pm
Dealing with Social Welfare Entitlements, Housing Grants, Insulation Grants, Health Entitlements; Employment Rights, Family Matters, Consumer Rights, Education etc.
No Appointment Necessary
An EU grant of more than £230,000 has been awarded to a special cross border partnership to establish how best to design and build a fleet of small ferries to serve remote communities off the Scottish and Irish coastlines.
Caledonian Maritime Assets Ltd (CMAL) has partnered with the Department for Regional Development for Northern Ireland and the Department of Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs in the south to examine a common design and procurement strategy for small ferries which could be used by all three countries.
Funded by the EU’s INTERREG IVA programme, at least eight routes will be examined which covers the West Coast of Scotland and Ireland, including the Ballycastle to Rathlin route in Northern Ireland.
This strategy will help reduce overhead costs and increase the potential for efficiency savings through more joined up working across the jurisdictions.
Ministers from Ireland, north and south, and Scotland have welcomed the development and the benefits that it will bring to the three countries.
Scottish Transport Minister Stewart Stevenson said: “This partnership heralds a new way of working together which will improve and enhance ferry services for remote and island communities on both sides of the Irish Sea. In these challenging economic times it is important we improve transport links across Scotland so that communities and individuals can make the fullest possible contribution to our goal of increasing sustainable economic growth for years to come.”
Irish Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht affairs, Éamon Ó Cuív T.D. added, “We welcome this new partnership which draws the three Governments together with the shared goal of looking at delivering improved public services by sharing information and best practice while studying the advantages of common design and procurement.”
In welcoming the EU grant, Minister for Regional Development, in the North of Ireland, Conor Murphy said: “Joint co-operation through this partnership will bring benefits and improvements for our most remote communities. I look forward to the Small Ferries Project leading the way for further collaboration to assist the development of small islands.”
• The grant of £233,750 has been made by the Special EU INTERREG IVA Programme – a Cross-Border Territorial Cooperation Programme for Northern Ireland, the Border Region and Western Scotland. The overall aim of the INTERREG IVA Programme is to: ‘Support strategic cross-border co-operation for a more prosperous and sustainable region.’
• The areas covered will include :
Alt an Chorrain to Leab Gharbn, Arainn Mor
Alt an Chorrain to Toraigh
Ballycastle to Rathlin
Tarbert to Portavadie
Gigha to Tayinloan
Oban to Lismore
Tobermory to Kilchoan
Sconser to Raasay
• CMAL, who own property at piers and harbours at more than 21 locations throughout Scotland, are embarking on a programme of investment and improvements which will create better facilities and more opportunities for additional ferry services.
CMAL is a publicly owned company with Scottish Ministers as the sole shareholder.
• The Department for Regional Development (DRD) is one of 11 Northern Ireland Departments created in 1999 by the Departments (Northern Ireland) Order 1999. Their main responsibilities include regional planning, roads, water, public transport and certain policy and support work for air and sea ports;
• The Department of Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs, Ireland aims to promote and support the sustainable and inclusive development of communities both urban and rural, including Gaeltacht and island communities.
Tá deontas AE os cionn £230,000 bronnta le haghaidh comhpháirtíocht speisialta teasteorann chun a dheimhniú conas is fearr cabhlach bád farantóireachta beag a chruthú chun freastal a dhéanamh ar phobail iargúlta amach ó imeallbhord na hAlban agus na hÉireann.
Tá comhpháirtíocht ar bun idir Caledonian Maritime Assets Ltd (CMAL) leis an Roinn Forbartha Réigiúnaí do Thuaisceart Éireann agus an Roinn Gnóthaí Pobail, Tuaithe agus Gaeltachta sa deisceart chun imscrúdú a dhéanamh ar dhearadh coiteann agus straitéis soláthair choiteann do bháid farantóireachta a bhféadfadh na trí thír úsáid a bhaint astu.
Déanfar imscrúdú ar ocht mbealach ar a laghad, le maoiniú ó chlár INTERREG IVA an AE, a chlúdaíonn Cósta Iarthair na hAlban agus na hÉireann, lena n-áirítear bealach Ballycastle go dtí Reachlainn i dTuaisceart Éireann.
Cabhróidh an straitéis seo leis na forchostais a laghdú agus an poitéinseal atá ann do choigiltis éifeachtúlachta a mhéadú trí obair níos comhtháite ar fud na ndlínsí.
Chuir Airí ó Éirinn, an tuaisceart agus an deisceart, agus an Albain fáilte roimh an bhforbairt agus na tairbhí a mbainfidh na trí thír aisti.
Dúirt Aire Iompair na hAlban, Stewart Stevenson: “Cuireann an chomhpháirtíocht seo tús le bealach nua chun comhoibriú a dhéanamh le chéile, a fheabhsóidh agus a chuirfidh le seirbhísí bád farantóireachta do phobail iargúlta agus oileáin ar dhá thaobh Mhuir Éireann. I bhfianaise na gcúinsí dúshlánacha eacnamaíocha seo, tá sé tábhachtach go bhfeabhsaímid naisc iompair ar fud na hAlban ionas gur féidir le pobail agus daoine aonair cúnamh a thabhairt a mhéid is féidir lenár sprioc chun fás inbhuanaithe eacnamaíoch a mhéadú a bhaint amach ar feadh na mblianta amach romhainn.”
Dúirt an tAire Gnóthaí Pobail, Tuaithe agus Gaeltachta, Éamon Ó Cuív T.D., leis, ”Cuirfimid fáilte roimh an gcomhpháirtíocht nua seo a thugann trí Rialtas le chéile agus sprioc comhroinnte acu chun féachaint do sheirbhísí poiblí feabhsaithe a sheachadadh trí fhaisnéis agus sárchleachtas a roinnt agus ag an am céanna staidéar a dhéanamh ar buntáistí an dearaidh agus soláthair choitinn.”
Dúirt an tAire Forbartha Réigiúnaí i dTuaisceart Éireann agus fáilte á cur aige roimh an deontas AE: “Maidir le comhoibriú trasteorann beidh buntáistí agus feabhsaithe i gceist dár bpobail is iargúlta trín gcomhpháirtíocht seo. Táim ag súil leis an treoir a chuirfidh Tionscadal na mBád Farantóireachta ar fáil chun a thuilleadh comhoibrithe a dhéanamh le cúnamh a thabhairt le forbairt na n-oileán beag.”
• Cuireadh an deontas £233,750 ar fáil trí Chlár Speisialta INTERREG IVA an AE – Clár Comhoibrithe Chríche Trasteorann do Thuaisceart Éireann, don Réigiún Teorann agus d’Iarthar na hAlban. Is í aidhm fhoriomlán an Chláir INTERREG IVA chun: ‘Tacaíocht a thabhairt do chomhoibriú straitéiseach trasteorann le haghaidh réigiúin níos rathúla agus níos inbhuanaithe.’
• Ar na ceantair a chlúdófar, áireofar :
Alt an Chorráin go dtí Leab Gharbh, Árainn Mhór
Alt an Chorráin go dtí Toraigh
Ballycastle go dtí Reachlainn
Tarbert go dtí Portavadie
Gigha go dtí Tayinloan
Oban go dtí Lismore
Tobermory go dtí Kilchoan
Sconser go dtí Raasay
• Tá CMAL, ar leo maoin ag céanna agus cuanta ag breis is 21 suíomh ar fud na hAlban, ag tabhairt faoi chlár infheistíochta agus feabhsuithe a chruthóidh saoráidí níos fearr agus níos mó deiseanna le haghaidh seirbhísí breise bád farantóireachta.
Is cuideachta faoi úinéireacht phoiblí é CMAL, a bhfuil Airí na hAlban ina scairshealbhóir aonair.
• Tá an Roinn Forbartha Réigiúnaí (DRD) ar ceann de 11 Roinn i dTuaisceart Éireann, a cruthaíodh sa bhliain 1999 leis an Departments (Northern Ireland) Order 1999. Áirítear ar a bpríomhfhreagrachtaí, pleanáil réigiúnach, bóithre, iompar poiblí agus obair áirithe bheartais agus tacaíochta do chalafoirt aeir agus farraige;
• Tá sé mar aidhm ag an Roinn Gnóthaí Pobail, Tuaithe agus Gaeltachta, Éire, forbairt inbhuanaithe agus uileghabhálach phobal, idir uirbeach agus tuaithe, a chur chun cinn agus a thacú, lena n-áirítear pobail Ghaeltachta agus oileáin.
Chun a thuilleadh faisnéise a fháil, déan teagmháil le Andrew Flockhart, CMAL, ar 01475-749920 nó cuir rphost chuig andrew.flockhart@cmassets.co.uk
Issued by the Press & Information Office at the Dept. of Community, Rural & Gaeltacht Affairs
Eisithe ag Oifig Preasa & Eolais na Roinne Gnóthaí Pobail, Tuaithe agus Gaeltachta.
Caledonian Maritime Assets Ltd (CMAL) has partnered with the Department for Regional Development for Northern Ireland and the Department of Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs in the south to examine a common design and procurement strategy for small ferries which could be used by all three countries.
Funded by the EU’s INTERREG IVA programme, at least eight routes will be examined which covers the West Coast of Scotland and Ireland, including the Ballycastle to Rathlin route in Northern Ireland.
This strategy will help reduce overhead costs and increase the potential for efficiency savings through more joined up working across the jurisdictions.
Ministers from Ireland, north and south, and Scotland have welcomed the development and the benefits that it will bring to the three countries.
Scottish Transport Minister Stewart Stevenson said: “This partnership heralds a new way of working together which will improve and enhance ferry services for remote and island communities on both sides of the Irish Sea. In these challenging economic times it is important we improve transport links across Scotland so that communities and individuals can make the fullest possible contribution to our goal of increasing sustainable economic growth for years to come.”
Irish Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht affairs, Éamon Ó Cuív T.D. added, “We welcome this new partnership which draws the three Governments together with the shared goal of looking at delivering improved public services by sharing information and best practice while studying the advantages of common design and procurement.”
In welcoming the EU grant, Minister for Regional Development, in the North of Ireland, Conor Murphy said: “Joint co-operation through this partnership will bring benefits and improvements for our most remote communities. I look forward to the Small Ferries Project leading the way for further collaboration to assist the development of small islands.”
• The grant of £233,750 has been made by the Special EU INTERREG IVA Programme – a Cross-Border Territorial Cooperation Programme for Northern Ireland, the Border Region and Western Scotland. The overall aim of the INTERREG IVA Programme is to: ‘Support strategic cross-border co-operation for a more prosperous and sustainable region.’
• The areas covered will include :
Alt an Chorrain to Leab Gharbn, Arainn Mor
Alt an Chorrain to Toraigh
Ballycastle to Rathlin
Tarbert to Portavadie
Gigha to Tayinloan
Oban to Lismore
Tobermory to Kilchoan
Sconser to Raasay
• CMAL, who own property at piers and harbours at more than 21 locations throughout Scotland, are embarking on a programme of investment and improvements which will create better facilities and more opportunities for additional ferry services.
CMAL is a publicly owned company with Scottish Ministers as the sole shareholder.
• The Department for Regional Development (DRD) is one of 11 Northern Ireland Departments created in 1999 by the Departments (Northern Ireland) Order 1999. Their main responsibilities include regional planning, roads, water, public transport and certain policy and support work for air and sea ports;
• The Department of Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs, Ireland aims to promote and support the sustainable and inclusive development of communities both urban and rural, including Gaeltacht and island communities.
Tá deontas AE os cionn £230,000 bronnta le haghaidh comhpháirtíocht speisialta teasteorann chun a dheimhniú conas is fearr cabhlach bád farantóireachta beag a chruthú chun freastal a dhéanamh ar phobail iargúlta amach ó imeallbhord na hAlban agus na hÉireann.
Tá comhpháirtíocht ar bun idir Caledonian Maritime Assets Ltd (CMAL) leis an Roinn Forbartha Réigiúnaí do Thuaisceart Éireann agus an Roinn Gnóthaí Pobail, Tuaithe agus Gaeltachta sa deisceart chun imscrúdú a dhéanamh ar dhearadh coiteann agus straitéis soláthair choiteann do bháid farantóireachta a bhféadfadh na trí thír úsáid a bhaint astu.
Déanfar imscrúdú ar ocht mbealach ar a laghad, le maoiniú ó chlár INTERREG IVA an AE, a chlúdaíonn Cósta Iarthair na hAlban agus na hÉireann, lena n-áirítear bealach Ballycastle go dtí Reachlainn i dTuaisceart Éireann.
Cabhróidh an straitéis seo leis na forchostais a laghdú agus an poitéinseal atá ann do choigiltis éifeachtúlachta a mhéadú trí obair níos comhtháite ar fud na ndlínsí.
Chuir Airí ó Éirinn, an tuaisceart agus an deisceart, agus an Albain fáilte roimh an bhforbairt agus na tairbhí a mbainfidh na trí thír aisti.
Dúirt Aire Iompair na hAlban, Stewart Stevenson: “Cuireann an chomhpháirtíocht seo tús le bealach nua chun comhoibriú a dhéanamh le chéile, a fheabhsóidh agus a chuirfidh le seirbhísí bád farantóireachta do phobail iargúlta agus oileáin ar dhá thaobh Mhuir Éireann. I bhfianaise na gcúinsí dúshlánacha eacnamaíocha seo, tá sé tábhachtach go bhfeabhsaímid naisc iompair ar fud na hAlban ionas gur féidir le pobail agus daoine aonair cúnamh a thabhairt a mhéid is féidir lenár sprioc chun fás inbhuanaithe eacnamaíoch a mhéadú a bhaint amach ar feadh na mblianta amach romhainn.”
Dúirt an tAire Gnóthaí Pobail, Tuaithe agus Gaeltachta, Éamon Ó Cuív T.D., leis, ”Cuirfimid fáilte roimh an gcomhpháirtíocht nua seo a thugann trí Rialtas le chéile agus sprioc comhroinnte acu chun féachaint do sheirbhísí poiblí feabhsaithe a sheachadadh trí fhaisnéis agus sárchleachtas a roinnt agus ag an am céanna staidéar a dhéanamh ar buntáistí an dearaidh agus soláthair choitinn.”
Dúirt an tAire Forbartha Réigiúnaí i dTuaisceart Éireann agus fáilte á cur aige roimh an deontas AE: “Maidir le comhoibriú trasteorann beidh buntáistí agus feabhsaithe i gceist dár bpobail is iargúlta trín gcomhpháirtíocht seo. Táim ag súil leis an treoir a chuirfidh Tionscadal na mBád Farantóireachta ar fáil chun a thuilleadh comhoibrithe a dhéanamh le cúnamh a thabhairt le forbairt na n-oileán beag.”
• Cuireadh an deontas £233,750 ar fáil trí Chlár Speisialta INTERREG IVA an AE – Clár Comhoibrithe Chríche Trasteorann do Thuaisceart Éireann, don Réigiún Teorann agus d’Iarthar na hAlban. Is í aidhm fhoriomlán an Chláir INTERREG IVA chun: ‘Tacaíocht a thabhairt do chomhoibriú straitéiseach trasteorann le haghaidh réigiúin níos rathúla agus níos inbhuanaithe.’
• Ar na ceantair a chlúdófar, áireofar :
Alt an Chorráin go dtí Leab Gharbh, Árainn Mhór
Alt an Chorráin go dtí Toraigh
Ballycastle go dtí Reachlainn
Tarbert go dtí Portavadie
Gigha go dtí Tayinloan
Oban go dtí Lismore
Tobermory go dtí Kilchoan
Sconser go dtí Raasay
• Tá CMAL, ar leo maoin ag céanna agus cuanta ag breis is 21 suíomh ar fud na hAlban, ag tabhairt faoi chlár infheistíochta agus feabhsuithe a chruthóidh saoráidí níos fearr agus níos mó deiseanna le haghaidh seirbhísí breise bád farantóireachta.
Is cuideachta faoi úinéireacht phoiblí é CMAL, a bhfuil Airí na hAlban ina scairshealbhóir aonair.
• Tá an Roinn Forbartha Réigiúnaí (DRD) ar ceann de 11 Roinn i dTuaisceart Éireann, a cruthaíodh sa bhliain 1999 leis an Departments (Northern Ireland) Order 1999. Áirítear ar a bpríomhfhreagrachtaí, pleanáil réigiúnach, bóithre, iompar poiblí agus obair áirithe bheartais agus tacaíochta do chalafoirt aeir agus farraige;
• Tá sé mar aidhm ag an Roinn Gnóthaí Pobail, Tuaithe agus Gaeltachta, Éire, forbairt inbhuanaithe agus uileghabhálach phobal, idir uirbeach agus tuaithe, a chur chun cinn agus a thacú, lena n-áirítear pobail Ghaeltachta agus oileáin.
Chun a thuilleadh faisnéise a fháil, déan teagmháil le Andrew Flockhart, CMAL, ar 01475-749920 nó cuir rphost chuig andrew.flockhart@cmassets.co.uk
Issued by the Press & Information Office at the Dept. of Community, Rural & Gaeltacht Affairs
Eisithe ag Oifig Preasa & Eolais na Roinne Gnóthaí Pobail, Tuaithe agus Gaeltachta.
Earraí Leictreach Ré-caite/End-of-life White Goods
Is féidir earraí leictreach ré-caite a thabhairt go chlós an chomharchumainn le linn
uaireanta oscailte an stóir ar na dátaí a leanas:
De Luain 23 Márta go dtí De hAoine 27 Márta 2009
Má theastaítear éileamh a dhéanamh ar sheirbhís bhailithe, is féidir teangbháil a dhéanamh leis an chomharchumann ag 074 9520533. Gearrfar táille de €10.00 le haghaidh na seirbhíse seo.
End-of-life electrical goods can be taken to an comharchumann yard during opening hours only, on the following dates:
Monday 23 March until Friday 27 March 2009
A collection fee of €10.00 will apply to goods which are collected from households.
For Further Information: 074 9520533
uaireanta oscailte an stóir ar na dátaí a leanas:
De Luain 23 Márta go dtí De hAoine 27 Márta 2009
Má theastaítear éileamh a dhéanamh ar sheirbhís bhailithe, is féidir teangbháil a dhéanamh leis an chomharchumann ag 074 9520533. Gearrfar táille de €10.00 le haghaidh na seirbhíse seo.
End-of-life electrical goods can be taken to an comharchumann yard during opening hours only, on the following dates:
Monday 23 March until Friday 27 March 2009
A collection fee of €10.00 will apply to goods which are collected from households.
For Further Information: 074 9520533
Vulgar speech of masses translated into sweet tongue of the Gael
IRISH TIMES 18/3/2009
Once upon a time there was a country which had all but lost its native language. This was considered a great pity and a drive was launched to restore the fading tongue.
It was more than just a linguistic exercise - it was a movement for national renewal. It was felt that the people’s soul had crumpled under the weight of foreign oppression. The symptoms were seen to include the vulgarisation of common speech and thought. Dirty words and impure talk had polluted the crystal-clear stream of nationality. That country was Ireland of course, and the movement that emerged was based on the slogan, ‘Glaine inár gcroí, neart inár ngéag is beart de réir ár mbriathar’, which translates as, ‘Purity in our hearts, strength in our limbs and deeds to match our words’. But the ideals became somewhat fossilised and the role model turned into a stereotype. In time, Flann O’Brien would satirise male Irish-speakers as those who ‘have nuns’ faces, wear bicycle-clips continuously, talk in Irish only about ceist na teangan, and have undue confidence in Irish dancing as a general nationalistic prophylactic’. The policy of State compulsion having failed in its objective of achieving an Irish-speaking society, the language movement turned to persuasion: let’s meet the people half way, try a little bilingualism, and convert their common parlance into the first official language. This curious book could be seen as part of that scenario. The vulgar speech of the masses is here translated into the sweet and kingly tongue of the Gael by Garry Bannister, who has extensive experience teaching Irish at third level. As Alan Titley writes in his foreword, the author ‘does not shirk away from some of the more risqué, bawdy or crude street and back-lane turns of phrase’. Whatever about ‘purity in our hearts’, there is little purity of speech in this pocket-sized volume and it reflects the widespread vulgarisation of public discourse where ‘rude’ words are now commonplace. Many Irish variations of the F-word are provided. However, the author may have trouble with those latter-day puritans, the Politically Correct Brigade, as a number of formulations fall foul of PC standards: lexicographer beware. Although definitely not suitable for children and likely to offend quite a few adults, the book contains some interesting little nuggets. Along with the inevitable ‘Póg mo thóin’ for ‘Kiss my arse’, we have ‘Is fuath liom maidríní lathaí’ (I hate arse-kissers) and ‘Is í mo thóin-se ata le gaoth anseo’ (It’s my arse that’s on the line). Then there is ‘Mallacht Dé ar lucht an doichill’ (Feck the begrudgers) and ‘Is Muireann fireann i mbríste í’ (She’s very butch). Other words and phrases that may appeal include ‘maolsmigeach méileach’ (chinless wonder), ‘slis den seanmhaide’ (chip off the old block), ‘ceann cóc’ (cokehead), ‘rogha le fána’ (cop-out), ‘raiblín’ (nerd) and ‘gaothaire’ (windbag). Under ‘X’ we have: ‘Ba scannán le deimhniú X é’ (It was an X-rated movie). There was a time when this book would have been banned by the censorship board, which would have done wonders for sales and strengthened the argument of those who half-jokingly say the best way to revive Irish is to make it illegal.
Once upon a time there was a country which had all but lost its native language. This was considered a great pity and a drive was launched to restore the fading tongue.
It was more than just a linguistic exercise - it was a movement for national renewal. It was felt that the people’s soul had crumpled under the weight of foreign oppression. The symptoms were seen to include the vulgarisation of common speech and thought. Dirty words and impure talk had polluted the crystal-clear stream of nationality. That country was Ireland of course, and the movement that emerged was based on the slogan, ‘Glaine inár gcroí, neart inár ngéag is beart de réir ár mbriathar’, which translates as, ‘Purity in our hearts, strength in our limbs and deeds to match our words’. But the ideals became somewhat fossilised and the role model turned into a stereotype. In time, Flann O’Brien would satirise male Irish-speakers as those who ‘have nuns’ faces, wear bicycle-clips continuously, talk in Irish only about ceist na teangan, and have undue confidence in Irish dancing as a general nationalistic prophylactic’. The policy of State compulsion having failed in its objective of achieving an Irish-speaking society, the language movement turned to persuasion: let’s meet the people half way, try a little bilingualism, and convert their common parlance into the first official language. This curious book could be seen as part of that scenario. The vulgar speech of the masses is here translated into the sweet and kingly tongue of the Gael by Garry Bannister, who has extensive experience teaching Irish at third level. As Alan Titley writes in his foreword, the author ‘does not shirk away from some of the more risqué, bawdy or crude street and back-lane turns of phrase’. Whatever about ‘purity in our hearts’, there is little purity of speech in this pocket-sized volume and it reflects the widespread vulgarisation of public discourse where ‘rude’ words are now commonplace. Many Irish variations of the F-word are provided. However, the author may have trouble with those latter-day puritans, the Politically Correct Brigade, as a number of formulations fall foul of PC standards: lexicographer beware. Although definitely not suitable for children and likely to offend quite a few adults, the book contains some interesting little nuggets. Along with the inevitable ‘Póg mo thóin’ for ‘Kiss my arse’, we have ‘Is fuath liom maidríní lathaí’ (I hate arse-kissers) and ‘Is í mo thóin-se ata le gaoth anseo’ (It’s my arse that’s on the line). Then there is ‘Mallacht Dé ar lucht an doichill’ (Feck the begrudgers) and ‘Is Muireann fireann i mbríste í’ (She’s very butch). Other words and phrases that may appeal include ‘maolsmigeach méileach’ (chinless wonder), ‘slis den seanmhaide’ (chip off the old block), ‘ceann cóc’ (cokehead), ‘rogha le fána’ (cop-out), ‘raiblín’ (nerd) and ‘gaothaire’ (windbag). Under ‘X’ we have: ‘Ba scannán le deimhniú X é’ (It was an X-rated movie). There was a time when this book would have been banned by the censorship board, which would have done wonders for sales and strengthened the argument of those who half-jokingly say the best way to revive Irish is to make it illegal.
Scrúdú A1 Teastas Eorpach na Gaeilge
Beidh scrúdú A1 Teastas Eorpach na Gaeilge ar siúl ar 18 Aibreán 2009 i Má Nuad, i mBaile Bhuirne, sa Spidéal, i nGaoth Dóbhair, I bPáras, i Nua Eabhrac* agus i gCambridge. Is é an spriocdháta d’iarratais ná an 20 Márta 2009.
Ta an fhoirm iarratais agus tuilleadh eolais maidir leis na scrúduithe ar fáil ag an nasc seo: http://www.teg.ie/gaeilge/foirm_iarratais.htm
Cuir foirmeacha iarratais chuig an seoladh seo:
Ionad na dTeangacha,
Ollscoil na hÉireann,
Má Nuad,
Co. Chill Dara,
Ta an fhoirm iarratais agus tuilleadh eolais maidir leis na scrúduithe ar fáil ag an nasc seo: http://www.teg.ie/gaeilge/foirm_iarratais.htm
Cuir foirmeacha iarratais chuig an seoladh seo:
Ionad na dTeangacha,
Ollscoil na hÉireann,
Má Nuad,
Co. Chill Dara,
Fograi ón Chlub Óige-Club Óige Notices
- Tá an Chlub Óige ag glacadh páirt san “NCNA National Pyjama Day. ” ar an Aoine, 27ú Mhárta. Beidh an t-airgead uilig a bhaileofar í mbliana a thabhairt don “Make A Wish Foundation”, Bheireann an “Make A Wish Foundation”, tacaíocht do pháistí idir 3 agus 18 mblians déag d’aois a bhfuil fadhbanna sláinte orthu.
Is fiúntach an deis é seo dúinn uilig cuidiú a thabhairt do na páistí seo.
Tá súil againn go mbeidh a gcuid pitseámaí a gcaitheamh ag na cinnirí agus na mbaill uilig. Gearrfar táille €2.00 ar gach duine a ghlacann páirt
Tuilleadh eolais ón choiste.
N.C.N.A. National Pyjama Day.
“Make A Wish Foundation”
An Chlub Óige will on Friday, March 27th take part in the “NCNA National Pyjama Day”.
All monies raised will be donated to the “Make A Wish Foundation”, which grants wishes for children living with a life threatening illness between the ages of 3 and 18.
This is a fun way to help raise money for a worthwhile cause. All members and cinnirí will be asked to wear their P.J’s on the day (parents optional!) and to donate €2.00 to the charity.
Further information available from coiste an chlub óige.
Fograí ón Chlub Óige-Club Óige Notices
Beidh an Chlub Óige i gcomhair le Comharchumann Oileán Árainn Mhóir, ag reachtáil an glanadh susa í gceann cupla seachtaine.
Chomh maith leis an ghlanadh suas 2009, beidh muid ag cuir togra nua “Clean Coast Project” chun tosaigh. Cé go raibh na tránna glánta lé linn an ghlanadh suas achan bhlian go dtí seo, beidh lá faoi leith curtha in áirithe ag deireadh na míosa seo fá choinne an togra seo.
Idir an dá linn, bheadh an chlub buíoch as bhur dtúairimí maidir le áiteanna ina bhfuil fadhb bruscair.
Tá moladh agus buíochas toillte ag gach duine a ghlac páirt sa tógra thar a bheith dearfach seo anuas tríd na blianta, idir phaístí, thuismitheóiri, cinnirí agus an phobail. Agus bheidh muid ag súil go mór le bhur dtacaiochta arís í mbliana.
Tá na tionscadail urraithe ag an Chomhairle Chontae agus ag Comharcumann Oileán Arainn Mhóir.
Is feidir níos mó eolais a fháil á choiste an chlub óige.
Spring Clean/ Clean Coasts
Club Óige and an Chomharchumann will once again take part in the “National Spring Clean” litter campaign.
In addition to this initiative, we will this year, incorporate the new “Clean Coast Project”. While the shoreline has been included in the previous years, this year we will dedicate a separate day at the end of March to the beachfronts.
We ask that in the mean time that you take note of any priority / target areas.
All previous clean ups have been a huge success, and have had a positive impact on the island. This success would not have been possible without you, our members, parents, cinnirí and volunteers. We look forward to your support in our annual campaign.
Both these initiatives are supported by the local Authorities and Comharcumann Oileán Arainn Mhóir
For further information, please contact coiste an chlub óige.
Go raibh maith agaibh.
Is mé
Sharon Uí Dhonaill
Chomh maith leis an ghlanadh suas 2009, beidh muid ag cuir togra nua “Clean Coast Project” chun tosaigh. Cé go raibh na tránna glánta lé linn an ghlanadh suas achan bhlian go dtí seo, beidh lá faoi leith curtha in áirithe ag deireadh na míosa seo fá choinne an togra seo.
Idir an dá linn, bheadh an chlub buíoch as bhur dtúairimí maidir le áiteanna ina bhfuil fadhb bruscair.
Tá moladh agus buíochas toillte ag gach duine a ghlac páirt sa tógra thar a bheith dearfach seo anuas tríd na blianta, idir phaístí, thuismitheóiri, cinnirí agus an phobail. Agus bheidh muid ag súil go mór le bhur dtacaiochta arís í mbliana.
Tá na tionscadail urraithe ag an Chomhairle Chontae agus ag Comharcumann Oileán Arainn Mhóir.
Is feidir níos mó eolais a fháil á choiste an chlub óige.
Spring Clean/ Clean Coasts
Club Óige and an Chomharchumann will once again take part in the “National Spring Clean” litter campaign.
In addition to this initiative, we will this year, incorporate the new “Clean Coast Project”. While the shoreline has been included in the previous years, this year we will dedicate a separate day at the end of March to the beachfronts.
We ask that in the mean time that you take note of any priority / target areas.
All previous clean ups have been a huge success, and have had a positive impact on the island. This success would not have been possible without you, our members, parents, cinnirí and volunteers. We look forward to your support in our annual campaign.
Both these initiatives are supported by the local Authorities and Comharcumann Oileán Arainn Mhóir
For further information, please contact coiste an chlub óige.
Go raibh maith agaibh.
Is mé
Sharon Uí Dhonaill
Teastas Eorpach Na Gaeilge -Painéal Scrúdaitheoirí 2009
An bhfuil suim agat feidhmiú mar scrúdaitheoir cainte do scrúduithe Theastas Eorpach na Gaeilge 2009?
Ta Ionad na dTeangacha, Ollscoil na hÉireann Má Nuad ag iarraidh cur leis an bpainéal scrúdaitheoirí atá acu do scrúduithe TEG a bheidh ar siúl i mBaile Bhuirne, sa Spidéal, i nGaoth Dóbhair agus i Má Nuad i mí an Aibreáin agus mí na Bealtaine seo chugainn.
Má tá suim agat a bheith ar an bpainéal seo, cuir glaoch ar Claire ag 01 7083737 chun tuilleadh eolais agus foirm iarratais a fháil.
Ta Ionad na dTeangacha, Ollscoil na hÉireann Má Nuad ag iarraidh cur leis an bpainéal scrúdaitheoirí atá acu do scrúduithe TEG a bheidh ar siúl i mBaile Bhuirne, sa Spidéal, i nGaoth Dóbhair agus i Má Nuad i mí an Aibreáin agus mí na Bealtaine seo chugainn.
Má tá suim agat a bheith ar an bpainéal seo, cuir glaoch ar Claire ag 01 7083737 chun tuilleadh eolais agus foirm iarratais a fháil.
Scéim Labhairt na Gaeilge
Tá athbhreithniú á dhéanamh ar Scéim Labhairt na Gaeilge.
Tá socraithe ag an Aire Gnóthaí Pobail, Tuaithe agus Gaeltachta Éamon Ó Cuiv T.D. go ndéanfar athbhreithniú cuimsitheach ar Scéim Labhairt na Gaeilge chun í a chur in oiriúint don lá inniú.
Tá socraithe ag an Aire Gnóthaí Pobail, Tuaithe agus Gaeltachta Éamon Ó Cuiv T.D. go ndéanfar athbhreithniú cuimsitheach ar Scéim Labhairt na Gaeilge chun í a chur in oiriúint don lá inniú.
Clár na nOileán 2010-2013
Tá an Comhairle Chontae ag lorg moltaí do Chlár na nOileán do na trí bliana amach romhainn 2010-2013. Má theastaítear moltaí a chur chun tosaigh is féidir teagmháil a dhéanmah leis an chomharhcumann roimh dheireadh mí Mharta. 074 9520533.
Donegal County Council are inviting submissions for the Island Programme for the next three years 2010-2013. Anyone wishing to make submission/s can contact an comharchumann before the end of March. 074 9520533.
Donegal County Council are inviting submissions for the Island Programme for the next three years 2010-2013. Anyone wishing to make submission/s can contact an comharchumann before the end of March. 074 9520533.
Seirbhísí Faisnéise do Shaoránaigh-Citizens Information
Beidh an clinic eolais míosúil atá a reáchtáil in oifigí an chomharchumainn ar siúl ar an Luain, an 16ú Marta, 2009 óna 10:45am - 1:00in. Beidh ionadaí ón Ionad Seirbhísí Faisnéise do Shaoránaigh, An Clochán Liath i láthair chun seirbhísí faisnéise, comhairle agus abhcóideachta i dtaca le seirbhísí sóisialta agus sibhialta a chur ar fáil don phobal.
The monthly information clinic will take place in an comharchumann on Monday 16th March 2009, from 10:45 – 1:00pm. A representative from the Citizens Informations Services, Dungloe will be available to offer information, advice and advocacy to members of the public on a wide range of social an civil services.
The monthly information clinic will take place in an comharchumann on Monday 16th March 2009, from 10:45 – 1:00pm. A representative from the Citizens Informations Services, Dungloe will be available to offer information, advice and advocacy to members of the public on a wide range of social an civil services.
Comortas Peil na nOileán - All Island Football Competition
Beidh comortas peil na nOileán a reachtáil ar Inis Mór ar an 11, 12, 13 Meán Fómhair 2009. Má theastaítear loistín a chuir in airithe, is féidir liosta na dtithe loistín a fháil ach teagmháil a dhéanamh leis an chomharchumann.
The All Island Football Competition will take place on Inis Mór on 11, 12 & 13 September 2009. A list of accommodation providers is available from an comharchumann for anyone wishing to book accommodation. 074 9520533
The All Island Football Competition will take place on Inis Mór on 11, 12 & 13 September 2009. A list of accommodation providers is available from an comharchumann for anyone wishing to book accommodation. 074 9520533
Oileán Árainn Mhóir-Arranmore Island

The book Oileán Árainn Mhóir - Arranmore Island is available for purchase from an comharchumann store & from local shops. All proceeds from the sale of the book will go towards the proposed All-Weather Pitch at Gairmscoil Mhic Diarmada.
Praghas/Price: €15.00
Failte Ireland Workshop
Failte Ireland wishes to invite you to an islands workshop on Wednesday 4th March.
Time: 11.30am - 3.30pm
Venue: Courtyard by Marriott, Headford Point, Galway City.
We recently conducted consumer research on the experience of visitors to the islands and the perception of an island holiday by those who have not visited the islands.
We would like to share this research with you and get your feedback as to how best we can work together to further develop and promote the tourism potential of the islands going forward.
A guest speaker will share practical insights as to how you can add value to the experience you offer your visitors. The workshop is also an opportunity to meet with other islanders and some mainland providers and build up your contacts.
We will also discuss the various training supports which are available to you from Fáilte Ireland, including an e-business seminar taking place at the end of March. This is designed specificially for the islands industry and you will have the opportunity to sign up for this at the workshop on the 4th.
Can you please confirm if you wish to attend:
Email: anna.king@failteireland.ie or call 01-8847127.
Failte Ireland wishes to invite you to an islands workshop on Wednesday 4th March.
Time: 11.30am - 3.30pm
Venue: Courtyard by Marriott, Headford Point, Galway City.
We recently conducted consumer research on the experience of visitors to the islands and the perception of an island holiday by those who have not visited the islands.
We would like to share this research with you and get your feedback as to how best we can work together to further develop and promote the tourism potential of the islands going forward.
A guest speaker will share practical insights as to how you can add value to the experience you offer your visitors. The workshop is also an opportunity to meet with other islanders and some mainland providers and build up your contacts.
We will also discuss the various training supports which are available to you from Fáilte Ireland, including an e-business seminar taking place at the end of March. This is designed specificially for the islands industry and you will have the opportunity to sign up for this at the workshop on the 4th.
Can you please confirm if you wish to attend:
Email: anna.king@failteireland.ie or call 01-8847127.
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