Feidhmíonn Comharchumann Árainn Mhór mar eagrais forbartha pobal a sholáthraíonn aiseanna pobal, seirbhísí trádála, seirbhísí riaracháin agus tacaíochta do phobal Árainn Mhór. Tá sé mar aidhm ag an chomharchumann, trínár gcuid gníomhaíochtaí, acmhainní timpeallachta, turasóireachta, chultúrtha agus oidhreachta an oileáin a fheabhsú agus a fhorbairt, ar mhaithe le saol eacnamaíochta, cultúrtha agus sóisialta pobal an oileáin a fheabhsú. Bainisteoir: Nóirín Uí Mhaoldomhnaigh.
Cártaí Méadar BSL-ESB Meter Cards
ESB Meter Cards for socket at Leabgarrow Pier are now available from an comharchumann. @ €2.50 each
Saoire na Nollag 2009 - Christmas Holidays 2009
An comharchumann will be closed on the following dates:
Déardaoin 24ú Nollaig – Druidte
Thursday 24 December – Closed
Dé hAoine 25ú Nollaig: - Lá Nollag
Friday 25th December: - Christmas Day
Dé Luain 28ú Nollaig: - Druidte
Monday 28th December: - Closed
Déardaoin 31ú Nollaig – Druidte
Thursday 31st December – Closed
Dé hAoine 1ú Eanáir: - Lá Saoire Poiblí
Friday 1st January: - Bank Holiday
Dé Luain 4ú Eanáir: - Stoc áireamh bliantúil
Monday 4th January: - Annual Stocktaking
Dé Máirt 5ú Eanáir: - Stoc áireamh bliantúil
Tuesday 5th January: - Annual Stocktaking
Dé Céadaoin 6ú Eanáir: - Stoc áireamh bliantúil
Wednesday 6th January: - Annual Stocktaking
Feachtais bhailiúcháin airgid – Fundraising Events

Raffle-Christmas Hamper draw + other prizes: Proceeds to All-weather pitch.
Tickets €1:00 each available @ an comharchumann. Raffle prizes or donations for this worthwhile project would be very welcome & much appreciated.
Beidh comórtas Pool a reáchtáil le linn saoire na Nollag chun airgid a bhailiú don pháirc uile-aimseartha atá beartaithe ag an Ghairmscoil. Táille: €10:00 an duine. Clárú: Sa Chomharchumann 074 9520533
A pool competition is being organised to take place during the Christmas season to raise funds for the All-Weather Pitch at Gairmscoil Mhic Diarmada. Fee: €10:00 per person. Registration at an Comharchumann: 074 9520533
Brontannais Nollag - Christmas Gifts
Brontannais Nollag a ndíol sa chomharchumann – Tá na brontannais uilig faoi €5.00 an ceann. Cuirfear an brabús ar fad i gcóir na páirce uile-aimseartha atá beartaithe ag Gairmscoil Mhic Diarmada.
Christmas Gifts for sale in an comharchumann. All gifts priced under €5:00 each. All profits will go towards proposed All-weather pitch at Gairmscoil Mhic Diarmada.
Earraí Leictreach Ré-caite/End-of-life White Goods
Is féidir earraí leictreacha ré-caite a fhágáil i gclós an chomharchumainn le linn
uaireanta oscailte an stóir ar na dátaí a leanas:
Dé Luain 14 Nollaig go dtí Dé Luain 21 Nollaig 2009
Seirbhís bhailiúcháin ar fáil: €10.00
End-of-life electrical goods can be taken to an comharchumann yard during opening hours only, on the following dates:
Monday 14 December until Monday 21 December 2009
Collection service available: €10.00
Tuilleadh Eolais: 074 9520533
EU Fisheries Policy-Have your say
8 December 2009
Have your say on the future of EU fisheries policy.
If you work in fisheries, eat fish or have any interest in the sector, you
have until 31st December to give European Commission your suggestions for
improving the Common Fisheries Policy.
To have your say, log on to: www.euireland.ie/fish
The on-line consultation will contribute to the EU Commission's Green Paper
on the future of the EU's fisheries policy, which aims to address the
shortcomings of current legislation.
The Commission will issue its initial findings in the first half of 2010.
After further consultation with stakeholders, the Commission will then
prepare an impact assessment report and new regulations will be proposed
later in the year. This could then be presented to the European Parliament
and Council early in 2011, with a view for adoption in 2012.
For further information on the Green Paper and the consultation logon to:
Córas Taistil Tuaithe – Rural Transport Service
087 2677725
Féilire Árainn Mhóir 2010 - Arranmore Calendar 2010

Féilire Árainn Mhóir 2010 ar fáil ón Chomharchumann le haghaidh séasúr na Nollag. Cuirfear gach brabús ón togra seo i gcomhair na Páirce Uile Aimseartha atá beartaithe ag Gairmscoil Mhic Diarmada.
Arranmore Calendar 2010 available for the Christmas season from an Comharchumann. Proceeds from the sale of the calendar will go towards the proposed All-Weather Pitch at Gairmscoil Mhic Diarmada.
€6.90 each
€5.00 each for 2 or more
Mórtas Ceantair 2009-Pride of Place 2009
First Place in Island section awarded to Comharchumann Oileán Árainn Mhóir
Pride of Place is an all-Ireland competition which is directed towards recognising improvements by local communities to create civic pride in their area.
Arranmore’s efforts in promoting and creating civic pride on the island was recognized and awarded at the Pride of Place Award ceremony held in the Slieve Donard Hotel, Newcastle, Co Down on Saturday 21 November 2009.
An Comharchumann’s application in the Donegal Pride of Place competition was short listed and subsequently selected by Donegal County Council to represent Donegal County Council in the 2009 All Ireland Pride of Place Competition, island’s section. Judging took take place on the island in early July.
An comharchumann staff & committee would like to extend sincere congratulations and appreciation to each and everyone who participated and assisted in ensuring the success of the visits of the judges in July 2009.
Citizens Information - Faisnéis do Shaoránaigh
The Dungloe Citizens Information Officer will be in attendance
In Comharchumann Oileán Árainn Mhóir Teo
On Friday 20 November 2009
Between 10.30am – 1.00pm
Dealing with Social Welfare Entitlements, Housing Grants, Insulation Grants, Health Entitlements; Employment Rights, Family Matters, Consumer Rights, Education etc.
No Appointment Necessary
Ciorcal Comhrá Gaeilge- Irish Language Conversation Circle
Beginning: 18 November 2009
Ionad/Venue: Seomra Cruinnithe an Chomharchumainn – Comharchumann Meeting Room
Gach Chéadaoin óna 11:00in-12:30rn
Beidh ciorcal comhrá a reáchtáil i seomra cruinnithe an chomharchumainn. Cuirfear fáilte roimh gach duine ar mhian leo casadh ar dhaoine eile chun a gcuid Gaeilge a chleachtadh nó snas a chur ar an Ghaeilge atá acu. Cuirfear sólaistí ar fáil
Each Wednesday from 11:00am-12:30pm
Irish Conversation Circle will be hosted in an comharchumann meeting room. All welcome to attend and meet with others who wish to practice or improve their spoken Irish. Refreshments will be served.
Guth na Gaeltachta seolta go hoifigiúil ag Oireachtas na Gaeilge
Bunaíodh an grúpa i nGaoth Dobhair i ndiaidh fhoilsiú Thuarascáil An Bord Snip Nua agus tá sé ag dul ó neart go neart ó shin. Tá Guth na Gaeltachta dubh in éadan na moltaí tromchúiseach atá déanta ag An Bord Snip Nua i dtaca leis an Ghaeilge agus an Ghaeltacht. Eagras neamhpholaitiúil, pobail atá ann agus tá tacaíocht faighte aige ó na páirtithe polaitíochta uilig.
Sular cuireadh tús leis an seoladh, bhí an lucht éisteachta ábalta sult a bhaint as ceol den scoth a bhí á sheinm ag An Crann Óg, grúpa ceoltóirí óga as Gaoth Dobhair.
Ba é Dónall Ó Cnáimhsí, ball de Ghrúpa Oibre Ghuth na Gaeltachta, an chéad duine a labhair. Chuir sé fáilte roimh achan duine chuig an ócáid stairiúil agus mhínigh sé cúlra an fheachtais. Chuir sé comhghleacaí dá chuid, Éamonn Mac Niallais, in aithne don lucht éisteachta agus labhair seisean go paiseanta faoi impleachtaí mholtaí An Bord Snip Nua do thodhchaí na Gaeilge agus na gceantar Gaeltachta.
Mhínigh Mac Niallais gurb é an t-ábhar gearáin is mó atá ag Guth na Gaeltachta ná cé chomh héagothrom agus atá moltaí Mhic Carthaigh:
“Glacann an grúpa leis go bhfuil ciorruithe ag teastáil ach ní ghlacann muid le 58% don Ghaeltacht i gcomparáid le 9.4% don chaiteachas Stáit ar an iomlán!”
Tugadh bualadh bos mór dó nuair a mhaígh Mac Niallais:
“Tá sé sin go huile is go hiomlán éagórach agus tá muid fá choinne troid ina éadan!”
Lean sé ar aghaidh agus mhínigh sé go gcreideann Guth na Gaeltachta nach féidir géilleadh i dtaca leis na cúig phrionsabal seo a leanas má tá an Ghaeilge agus an Ghaeltacht le maireachtáil:
1. Roinn na Gaeltachta faoi cheannasaíocht an Aire a choinneáil.
2. Cúraimí fiontraíochta Údarás na Gaeltachta a choinneáil.
3. Oideachas Gaeltachta agus Gaeilge a chosaint.
4. Scéimeanna forbartha teanga, cultúrtha agus ealaíne a choinneáil agus a leasú más gá.
5. Ciste caiteachais a bheith ar fáil d’oibreacha caipitil, infreastruchtúir agus pobail i gceantair iargúlta mar an Ghaeltacht.
Chuir Mac Niallais deireadh lena chuid cainte trí chuireadh a thabhairt d’achan duine a bhí i láthair achainí an ghrúpa a shíniú agus d’iarr sé orthu stocaireacht a dhéanamh ar a gcuid ionadaithe poiblí roimh an bhuiséad i Mí na Nollag.
Ina dhiaidh sin, d’iarr Ó Cnáimhsí ar dhaoine sa lucht éisteachta a gcuid tuairimí a roinnt ar fheachtas Ghuth na Gaeltachta. Bhí Maidhc Dainín Ó Sé ó Ghaeltacht Chiarraí agus Donncha Ó hEallaithe ó Chonamara i measc na ndaoine a dúirt go mbeadh siad breá sásta tacú leis an ghrúpa agus ghuigh siad gach rath ar an fheachtas.
Ina dhiaidh sin, bhí ceol iontach le cloisteáil. Chan an grúpa mór le rá, Cór Thaobh a’ Leithid, an t-amhrán ‘Teanga na nGael’; rogha iontach fóirsteanach a bhí ann sa mhéid is gur léirigh sé an oidhreacht shaibhir chultúrtha atá le fáil sa Ghaeltacht.
Ceol spleodrach An Chrainn Óig a chuir deireadh leis an ócáid. Sular sheinn siad an píosa deiridh, labhair ball den ghrúpa leis an lucht éisteachta. Labhair Simon Mac Giolla Easbuic, ball de Chomhairle na nÓg Dhún na nGall, go paiseanta faoi thacaíocht aos óg na Gaeltachta don Ghaeilge agus don chultúr agus tugadh bualadh bos mór do.
Tá Guth na Gaeltachta ag impí ar achan duine a bhfuil spéis acu sa Ghaeilge nó sa chultúr Ghaelach tacú leis an fheachtas. Tá níos mó eolais le fáil ar an láithreán Gréasáin www.guthnag.com
Nótaí d’eagarthóirí:
Bunaíodh Guth na Gaeltachta i nGaoth Dobhair i mí Lúnasa 2009. Reáchtáil siad roinnt cruinnithe poiblí ó shin. Tá an brúghrúpa i mbun feachtais leis an phobal a chur ar an eolas faoi impleachtaí na gciorruithe atá molta ag an Bord Snip Nua don Ghaeilge agus don Ghaeltacht. Is feachtas neamhpholaitiúil, traspháirtí é Guth na Gaeltachta atá dírithe ar chás na Gaeilge agus na Gaeltachta.
Seoladh: f/ch An Chrannóg,
Srath na Corcra,
Doirí Beaga,
Leitir Ceanainn,
Co. Dhún na nGall.
Guthán: (074) 9532208 / 0876387468
Idirlíon: www.guthnag.com
Ríomhphost: eolas@guthnag.com
NA CNOCAIRí. Dé Domhnaigh, 8ú Samhain 2009
An Domhnach, 8ú lá de Shamhain.
Ag imeacht ar a 10:00 ar maidin ón charrchlós in aice le hOideas Gael , Gleann Cholm Cille.
Tá rún againn a bheith ar ais roimh a 4:00 tráthnóna.
Bíodh lón agus éadaí báistí le hachan duine.
Fáilte roimh chách
Teastas Eorpach na Gaeilge

Beidh scrúdú Theastas Eorpach na Gaeilge C1 (Ardleibhéal 1) ar siúl in Ollscoil na hÉireann Má Nuad ar an 4 & 5 Nollaig 2009.
Is an spriocdháta d’iarratais ná an 6 Samhain 2009.
Páipéar samplach: http://www.teg.ie/gaeilge/paipeir_shamplacha.htm
Eolas faoin scrúdú: http://www.teg.ie/gaeilge/bealtriail.htm
Teastas Eorpach na Gaeilge C1 (Advanced 1) examination will take place in NUI Maynooth on the 4 & 5 December 2009.
Closing date for applications is the 6 November 2009.
Sample exam paper:
Oral examination information:
Public Holidays 2010 - Saoire Poiblí 2010
An comharchumann will be closed on the following dates:
Dé hAoine 1ú Eanáir – Friday 1st January
Dé Céadaoin 17ú Márta- Wednesday 17th March
Dé Luain 5ú Aibreán – Monday 5th April
Dé Luain 3ú Bealtaine – Monday 3rd May
Dé Luain 7ú Meitheamh – Monday 7th June
Dé Luain 2ú Lúnasa – Monday 2nd August
Dé Luain 25ú D. Fómhair – Monday 25th October
Lá Nollag – Christmas Day
Dé Sathairn 25 Nollaig – Saturday 25 December
(comharchumann druidte ar an 27 Nollaig)
Lá Fhéile Stiofán – St Stephen’s Day
Dé Domhnaigh 26 Nollaig – Sunday 26 December
(comharchumann druidte ar an 28 Nollaig)
Guth na Gaeltachta
Ranganna Ríomhaireachta – Computer Classes
An comharchumann is seeking expressions of interest from individuals who wish to undertake computer classes. Delivery of classes will depend on number of participants/community requirements. To register your interest or for further information: contact an comharchumann.
074 9520533
Saoire Poiblí na Samhna –Halloween Bank Holiday
An Comharchumann offices & store will be closed on Bank Holiday Monday, 26 October, 2009.
Phase II - Pollawaddy Slipway
Phase I of the works was completed in 2008 with the aid of grants costing
€40,000 funded equally by Roinn na Gaeltachta and Donegal County
Phase II will include the completion of slipway repairs and the
provision of carpark facilities at a cost of €40,000 funded equally
(€20,000) by Donegal County Council and Roinn na Gaeltachta.
This will bring the total investment to €80,000.
It is hoped that the works which will be carried out by Donegal County Council, will commence in late October.
Cearta Sibhialta na Gaeltachta
Pobal ar Aire: Gluaiseacht Chearta Sibhialta na Gaeltachta 1969–2009 an teideal atá ar an tsraith nua agus a chraolfar gach Domhnach ag 1.15i.n. Cloisfear agallaimh leo siúd a bhí gníomhach sa ghluaiseacht - faoi na haidhmeanna a bhí acu, faoin méid a bhain siad amach, agus faoi céard atá i ndán don Ghaeltacht anois ag am seo na cinniúna. Ba thréimhse chorraitheach a bhí sna 1960í i gcúrsaí cearta sibhialta ar fud an domhain, agus d’éiligh muintir na Gaeltachta a gcearta féin chomh maith.
Bhí ceantar Chonamara beo bocht, gan infreastruchtúr ceart ná deiseanna fostaíochta, agus dá bharr bhí an ceantar céasta ag an imirce. Ar na haidhmeanna a bhí ag an ngluaiseacht bhí údarás áitiúil pleanála agus forbartha, plean cuimsitheach oideachais agus stáisiún raidió, agus is dá bharr gur cuireadh Raidió na Gaeltachta ar bun i 1972. Dár leis an léiritheoir, Tomás Mac Con Iomaire “Tá tábhacht nach beag ag baint le Gluaiseacht Chearta Sibhialta na Gaeltachta i saol na Gaeltachta agus na Gaeilge. Rinne an Ghluaiseacht éilimh a raibh tábhacht leo, fostaíocht ag baile, bunú Údarás Gaeltachta agus Raidió Gaeltachta ina measc. D’éirigh leis an ngluaiseacht i bhformhór a gcuid éilimh agus ní bréag a rá go bhfuil lorg obair na Gluaiseachta agus obair na ndaoine a bhí páirteach ann le feiceáil go soiléir ar an saol, i nGaeltacht Chonamara go háirithe, go dtí an lá atá inniu ann.”
Galway Advertiser - Peadar Mac Fhlannchadha
01 Deireadh Fómhair 2009
Property Tax on Second Homes – Payments Due by 30 September 2009
The new property charge is aimed at rented property, holiday homes/second homes. Initially it will be set at €200 a year and proceeds will be used to help fund Local Authorities. The charge is the same for all properties, regardless of size, location or value.
The main exemption is for principal private residences. No person can have more than one sole or main residence. If you are renting a home and own another property – you are still liable for the NPPR.
Some Exemptions:
a) Properties are exempt if they are rented out as part of the RAS (rental accommodation scheme) or rented to the HSE , or leased to a housing authority;
b) Where a person partly occupies a dwelling as his or her sole or main residence, and avails of and is entitled to the Revenue Commissioner’s Rent-a- Room Scheme, no liability for the NPPR charge will apply
c) Charities are exempt
d)Properies that are liable for commercial rates will not be laible for the NPPPr charge.
e)There is also an exemption for Newly Constructed but Unsold Buildings – that are vacant and have never been occupied.
The new property charge is to be paid to a body called the NPPR . You will be able to register your properties and pay the charges online at the nppr.ie website by credit or debit card.
Property owners will also be able to register and pay at your local council offices using an NPPR registration form. The payment types accepted wil be credit card, debit card, bank draft, postal order and cheque.
Late Payment : if the NPPR charge is not paid within a month after the last date for payment, a late payment fee of €20 will apply for every month or part of month that the €200 Euro charge remains unpaid.
From 2010 the charge will be due before March 31st every year.
Property Registration:
The onus is on property owners to register any properties that are not their principal residence.
The Local Government Charges Bill 2009 allows for the use of information from the Private Residential Tenancies Board, the Revenue department and ESB to assist in the identification of non principal residences. Properties in the Rental Accommodation Scheme are exempt. There are also limited exemptions where a person is moving house and temporarily owns two houses for a short period.
Further Information: http://www.nppr.ie/
Lá Náisiúnta na gCosán - National Trails Day 2009 - 4th October 2009

National Trails Day Event , Arranmore, Sunday, 4th October 2009
This October will see the second ever event of its kind taking place across the country with everyone being encouraged to be a part of it - get out and hit the trail !
National Trails Day will see events being organised around the country to suit all ages, abilities and interests.
Walking Event: Oileán Árainn Mhóir
Event Name
Siúlóid timpeall lochanna an oileáin- Looped walk around island lakes
Oileán Árainn Mhóir – Arranmore Island
Siúlóid dúlra le radhairc áite– Nature walk with scenic views
Description of event:
Siúlóid dúlra le radhairc áite– Nature walk with scenic views
(Aiseanna Picnic – Picnic Facilities)
Host organisation:
Comharchumann Oileán Árainn Mhóir
Arranmore Island Development Co-op
Contact name:
Seán Mac Eachmharcaigh
Phone number:
074 9520533
087 7418953
Email address:
Website address:
Nearest town:
Ailt an Chorráin – An Clochán Liath
Burtonport - Dungloe
How to get there:
Seirbhísí farantóireachta ó hAilt an Chorráin
Access to Oileán Árainn Mhóir is by ferry from Burtonport
Meeting point:
Cé na Leidhbe Gairbhe – Leabgarrow Pier
Time of event:
2 uair an chloig – 2 hours
Suitable for:
Gach aois grúpa – All ages
Clár Ama na mBád - Ferry Timetables
Arranmore Ferry: 074 9520533
Fast Ferry Group: 087 3171810
General instructions:
Caith éadaí agus bróga fearthainne.
Wear waterproof clothing and footwear
Further Information:www.nationaltrailsday.ie
& Comharchumann Oileán Árainn Mhóir 074 9520533
Eurowatchers Course
This 12 hour VEC course, which aims to help individuals to manage household budgets and make the most of their money will take place in the Culture Centre. Fallagowan.
To enrol for this course, contact Sinead Uí Bhaoill, Comharchumann Oileán Árainn Mhóir. 074 9520533
Pensioners protest against transport cuts
They are all regular users of the scheme, which is run by three companies in Donegal, all managed by voluntary boards. The McCarthy report advocates the total abolition of the rural transport programme, which was set up in Donegal in 2002 but only began operating in some areas of the county as recently as nine months ago.
Fiona O'Shea manages the programme for Seirbhís Iompair Tuaithe Teo (SITT), which services the south, southwest and much of the northeast of the county. She told the Democrat those present at the meeting represent only the tip of the iceberg. "Helping the elderly retain their independence is only one aspect of rural transport. It's part of the fabric of community, enabling community groups, family resource centres, afterschool projects and the HSE to provide access to their programmes. In fact, 99% of the rural transport fleet is fully wheelchair accessible, a ratio you'd never find in privately-run companies."
Cormac Skinnader, manager of the programme in Inishowen, says it makes a massive difference in people's lives. "The difference is independence. There's been a great take-up. People who have their own transport don't understand what it's like not to be able to get around."
Kathy Anderson, a regular user of rural transport, spoke on behalf of people from the Stranorlar/Ballybofey area. "I'm a firm believer that a country is judged by how it looks after the young, the ill and the elderly. We hope this service won't be taken away."
Mary McKinney, a member of the sub-committee for Inishowen Rural Transport, added: "The politicians must ask themselves what the reaction would be if Dublin Bus was done away with, along with the DART and commuter trains. People in Donegal have as much of a right to public transport as anyone living in Dublin. It's the one issue that comes up in community development across every single sector."
Dinny McGinley, TD, agreed the rural transport programme was "a great godsend to the 50,000 people who used the service in the last six months and to the voluntary sector".
Senator Pearse Doherty recalled that his first job on graduating in 1999 was undertaking an audit of rural transport in the Donegal Gaeltacht . "So I'm thoroughly aware of its importance. You are preaching to the converted when talking to me or my party about rural transport."
Senator Brian O'Domhnaill said the programme in Donegal represents "value for money, Smarter Transport". He concluded: "Pennies are being spent on it in an overall context, yet it gives people a better quality of life".
Donegal Democrat
Irish Classes - Ranganna Gaeilge
Venue/Ionad: Ionad Séirbhísí Teanga, An Chultúrlann, Fál a’ Ghabhann
Date of commencement/Dáta tosaithe: Dates to be arranged/Le socrú
Duration of course/Tréimhse an chúrsa: 10 seachtainí/weeks
Levels/Leibhéil: Glantosaitheoirí & daoine le roinnt Gaeilge/Beginners & Intermediate Levels
Fee/Táille: €50.00
Cáilíocht/Qualification: Beidh deis agat cáilíocht atá aitheanta ar fud na hEorpa a bhaint amach duit féin. You will have the opportunity to obtain a European qualification.
Registration/Further information contact/Clárú/tuilleadh eolais déan teagmháil le:
Oifig an Chomharchumainn 074 9520533/9520995
Gaeilge 2010. www.udaras.ie
Teastas na hEorpa. www.teg.ie
Máistir ranganna do scríbhneoirí óga na Gaeilge
Máistir ranganna do scríbhneoirí óga na Gaeilge
An bhfuil suim agat sa Scríbhneoireacht Chruthaitheach?
Tá Ealaín na Gaeltachta i gcomhpháirtíocht leis An gComhairle Ealaín, ag eagrú deireadh seachtaine ceardlanna do scríbhneoirí óga a bhfuil féith na scríbhneoireachta léirithe acu.
Is í an aidhm atá leis na ceardlanna, grúpa scríbhneoirí Gaeilge idir 18 agus 25 bliana d’aois a thabhairt le chéile faoi stiúir scríbhneoirí aitheanta, agus an deis a thabhairt dóibh díriú ar shaothar a fhorbairt i measc a gcomhpháirtithe, i dtimpeallacht chuidiúil, spreagúil.
Beidh na ceardlanna faoi stiúir na scríbhneoirí aitheanta, Louis de Paor agus Éilís Ní Dhuibhne agus reáchtálfar iad i dtearmann cruthaitheachta Cnoc Suain, sa Spidéal thar na deireadh seachtaine 23 – 25 Deireadh Fómhair 2009.
Seol isteach C.V gearr maidir le do thaithí scríbhneoireachta agus trí shampla de do shaothar (prós nó filíocht).
Is deis iontach í seo agus ní bheidh áit ar fáil sna ceardlanna ach do líon beag agus beidh na h-iarratais á meas roimh 30 Meán Fómhair.
Tuilleadh eolais le fáil ó:
Mhuireann Ní Dhroighneáin
Áisitheoir Ealaín
Ealaín na Gaeltachta
Údarás na Gaeltachta na Forbacha
Co na Gaillimhe
Adjudication Report - Tidy Towns Competition 2009
Adjudication Report
Centre: Árainn Mhór Ref: 1227
County: Donegal Mark: 221
Category: B Date(s): 25/06/2009
Mark Awarded 2009
Overall Development Approach 27/50
The Built Environment 30/50
Landscaping 26/50
Wildlife and Natural Amenities 22/50
Litter Control 20/50
Waste Minimization 10/20
Tidiness 17/30
Residential Areas 30/40
Roads, Streets and Back Areas 32/50
General Impression 7/10
Overall Development Approach:
Thank you for your entry into this year’s TidyTowns Competition. Congratulations on your increase of points on 2008. It is clear that you feel that this competition is of great benefit. You seem to work well with other organisations. Your communication is good too. Your blog-spot is very useful and a good way of keeping the community at home and away up to date.
The Built Environment:
The Glen Hotel was looking very clean and bright and the lawn was well kept. The old Coast Guard Building looks very poor. A mural here might improve the appearance. The Ionad Seirbhísí Teanga looked very well. The Baile Saoire and all of the associated buildings looked extremely good. The Údarás building looked well and was much in use (for classes) on day of visit. The national school was also in use and looked bright and fresh. A satellite dish has been added since the adjudicator’s last time on Árainn Mhór. The grounds of the
secondary school looked really well. The Post Office looked well as did the shop and hostel opposite. The lighthouse looked super on this sunny day.
The shrine is well kept. The Árainn Mhór/ Beaver Island monument is very unusual and was admired. The associated works here are good. There is still no information on the board here. There is lovely planting at the secondary school, especially the roses. The work at the Baile Saoire was much admired. The front area of the Comharchumann looks very good. The new name stones and planting here were admired.
Wildlife and Natural Amenities:
The circular walking route brings the walker past some lovely habitat areas. Plants such as bog cotton, asphodel, sphagnum mosses and tormentil were abundant. The plan to provide information on wildlife for visitors is a good one and is overdue.
Litter Control:
Some litter and fly-tipping was noted. This was very unlikely to be caused by visitors. The fact that this was visible from way marked routes that the island promotes is very poor. The litterbin beside the lighthouse had been opened and rubbish was strewn about.
Waste Minimisation:
Well done for your various waste minimisation initiatives. Your blog-spot has details of the survey and study in which you’ve been participating. This is a very positive move. Well done on hosting the composting workshop. Is it known what percentage of households do compost? The bring banks were spotless, well kept and with a very nice information board.
There was no information on the board at the viewing point to the north of the island: There was no namesign on the secondary school, only a forbidding Do Not Enter sign. The ‘Ais Picnic’ sign at the lighthouse is barely legible. The bin and the Leadhb Gharbh sign both looked well. The new playground looks great, especially the climbing frogs!
Residential Areas:
The standard of maintenance and upkeep of private houses was high and there were some great examples of this.
Roads, Streets and Back Areas:
Árainn Mhór lends itself very well to walking and cycling and as there are so few cars it is very safe. The Slí Árainn Mhóir information signs are extremely good. However, it is felt that the walking routes are a little confusing in places and could be clarified with a couple of extra signs.
General Impression:
Árainn Mhór was seen on a beautiful summer day and the natural aspects of the island were spectacular. The walking routes are excellent but some should be clarified. Your idea for wildlife information and signage is good and should be acted upon. Also in need of action is the litter and fly-tipping which detracts greatly from the landscape. Your group is active and communicates well. There are many attractions on Árainn Mhór and it will no doubt continue to attract visitors in great numbers. The work that you are doing will maximise the
experience for them as well as improve the quality of life for the residents of this lovely island.
Citizens Information - Faisnéis do Shaoránaigh
A Free Advice & Confidential Service
The Dungloe Citizens Information Officer will be in attendance
In Comharchumann Oileán Árainn Mhóir Teo
On Friday 28 August 2009
Between 10.30am – 1.00pm
Dealing with Social Welfare Entitlements, Housing Grants, Insulation Grants, Health Entitlements; Employment Rights, Family Matters, Consumer Rights, Education etc.
No Appointment Necessary
Free replacement of old GLS bulbs
In preparation for this change and with the assistance of Comhar na nOileán Teoranta, Philips are offering a number of free energy saving bulbs to island households. The bulbs will be offered to householders who are permanently resident on islands without road connections to the mainland. Philips will also provide recycling bins for the older bulbs which householders will replace.
The lamp packs will be delivered for collection through the Arranmore Development Co-op – Comharchumann Oileán Árainn Mhóir Teo.
These lamps will be given free of charge.
Further details: Contact an comharchumann: 074 9520533
Cúrsaí Sábháilteachta BIM - BIM Safety Courses
Is féidir tuilleadh eolais a fháil ach teagmháil a dhéanamh leis an chomharchumann. 074 9520533
The BIM training courses are due to begin on Tuesday 25 August 2009, in the Culture Centre at 9:30am.
For further information, contact an comharchumann. 074 9520533
2009 Pride of Place
Place competition, took place on 1st July in the Ramada Hotel, Letterkenny. Each of the groups
will be presented with a cash award and a certificate to mark their participation in the Donegal
Pride of Place Awards Scheme 2009.
Donegal County Council received a great response to the 2009 Donegal County Pride of Place
Award Scheme, with 23 entries received from community and voluntary groups across
Donegal. Applications were short-listed, and 11 groups were invited for interview
Group Category
Cara House Family Resource Centre,
Letterkenny Over 2,000
Habinteg Housing Association (Ireland),
Lifford Integration
Ardara Parish Council Heritage
Comharchumann Oileán Arainn Mhóir Teo Islands
Forbairt na Rosann Teo, An Clochán Liath 500-1,000
Runners Up
Project Category
Coiste Sheáin Bháin Heritage
Comharchumann Thoraí Teo Islands
Aislann Chill Chartha Teoranta Heritage
Coiste Pobal Ghort a Choirce Over 2,000
Coiste Forbartha Dhobhair 500-1,000
Ard McGill Project Under 200-Housing Estate
The winners of the Donegal Pride of Place competition were nominated to compete in the Co-
operation All Island Pride of Place competition. The judges visited these groups on the 7,8 & 9
July. The results of the All-Island competition will be announced in November.
Uaireanta Oscailte an Chomharchumainn Lúnasa 2009 - Comharchumann Opening Hours August 2009
Open from 9:00-12:30 from 4 August to 14 August
Oscailte óna 9:00-12:30 ón 4 Lúnasa go dtí 14 Lúnasa
There will be no home deliveries from 4 to 14 August
Please order building materials, fuel & heating oil in advance, for delivery during week commencing: 27th July 2009.
Scéim Shóisialta Tuaithe-Rural Social Scheme
Le bheith rannpháirteach sa SST ní mór duit na critéir atá leagtha amach thíos a shásamh:
Bheith ag fáil cúnamh feirme
Bheith i d’fheirmeoir féinfhostaithe le tréaduimhir reatha
Bheith i d’iascaire féinfhostaithe le ceadúnas iascaireachta
Ní mór d’iarrthóirí a bheith i dteidil íocaíocht de chuid na Roinne Gnóthaí Sóisialta agus Teaghlaigh.
Más mian leat suim a léiriú sa scéim nó má theastaíonn tuilleadh eolais uait, déan teagmháil leis an chomharchumann ag 074 950533.
Comharchumann Oileán Árainn Mhóir is seeking expressions of interest in the Rural Social Scheme.
To be eligible to participate in the RSS, applicants must meet the following criteria:
Be in receipt of Farm Assist
Be a self-employed farmer with a herd or flock number
Be a self employed fisherman with a fishing licence
In addition to the above, participants must be in receipt of one of the qualifying payment(s) from the Department of Social & Family Affairs. To obtain further information or to register your interest in this scheme contact An Comharchumann on
074 9520533
Citizens Information - Faisnéis do Shaoránaigh
The Dungloe Citizens Information Officer will be in attendance
In Comharchumann Oileán Árainn Mhóir Teo
On Friday the 31st of July 2009
Between 10.30am – 1.00pm
Dealing with Social Welfare Entitlements, Housing Grants, Insulation Grants, Health Entitlements; Employment Rights, Family Matters, Consumer Rights, Education etc.
Forms & Information on Back to School Clothing & Footwear Allowance.
No Appointment Necessary
Nuachtlitir Pobail - Community Newsletter
Tá an comharchumann ag ullmhú nuachtlitir pobail faoi láthair. Duine ar bith ar mhian leis/léi eolas nó nuacht a roinnt leis an phobal, is féidir teangbhail a dhéanamh leis an chomharchumann leis na sonraí cuí.
A community newsletter is currently being prepared by an comharchumann. Anyone wishing to include information/news in the newsletter can do so by contacting an comharchumann with relevant details.
074 9520533
Mórtas Ceantair Dhún na nGall 2009 – Donegal Pride of Place 2009
Arranmore’s application in this years competition was short listed and subsequently selected by Donegal County Council to represent Donegal County Council in the 2009 Pride of Place Competition, island’s section. Judging will take place on the island in early July. An comharchumann is seeking the assistance of volunteers to prepare for the visit of the judges. All help will be much appreciated. For further information or to offer your assistance, please contact an comharchumann.
074 9520533
Burtonport Festival 17-25 Jul 2009
From Burtonport to Arranmore Island
25 July 2009
All proceeds to Sheephaven Search and Recovery Unit
Sponsor Cards available in local shops
Thank you for your support.
Sponsored by: Wet & Wild Outdoor Store & Peppers Diner
An Cabaret CraicÁilte
Teach Hiudai Beag, An Bun Beag, Gaoth Dobhair.
Ceol le Séamus Ó Béaglaíoch- Sár bhoscadóir agus sár amhránaí as Cíarraí. Beidh aoí cheoltóirí eile le Seamus fosta.
Mairéad Ní Mhaonaigh – Sár fhidleir agus sár amhránaí as Cois Cláidí ón ghrúpa ALTAN.
Tristan Rosenstock – ón ghrúpa TÉADA.
Na Campbells, Vincie, Jimmy agus Peter Campbell as Gleann na nGleanntach.
Enda Reilly – Amhránaí Ceoil Tíre/Rac Cheoil as Tamhlachta í mBaile Atha Cliath.Buaiteoir Chomortas Ceoil ‘Ronan Beo’ ar RnaG nios luaithe i mbliana.
Beidh aoi cheoltóirí eile ann ar an oíche.
Ceol ag tosnú 9pm. Cead isteach : Cuig Euro
Brochures, Arranmore. Holiday Village & Walking Routes
Croagh Patrick Climb
On Reek Sunday, the last Sunday in July every year, over 15000 pilgrims climb the mountain to follow the path of St Patrick. Croagh Patrick stands 2510ft above sea level. It is estimated that the ascent will take 2 hours.
Anyone interested in the climb(over 16) is asked to contact either John Sailor 087 2675048 or Sharon O’Donnell 087 7560736 by July 12th in order for transport to be arranged.
Sponsorship cards will be available from local shops and the post office.
Go raibh maith agaibh.
Oifig Eolais do Chuairteoirí sa Chultúrlann – Visitor Information Office in the Cultúrlann
Ionad Seirbhísí Teanga
Cúrsaí Gaeilge Grádaithe - Teastas na hEorpa (dhá uair sa bhliain )
Áiseanna Cruinnithe & Ranga:
Flíp chairt
Áiseanna Sólaistí
Is féidir seomraí cruinnithe/ranga na cultúrlainne a chur in áirithe ach teagmháil a dhéanamh leis an chomharchumann: 074 9520533
A visitor information centre will be in open in the Cultúrlann, Fál an Ghabhann during the summer months. The following facilities/services are available in the Cultúrlann:
Ionad Seirbhísí Teanga
Graded Irish Language Courses – European Certificate Irish Language Classes twice yearly
Meeting and Classroom Facilities:
Overhead Projector
Tea & Coffee Making Facilities
To book Cultúrlann facilities, please contact an comharchumann. 074 9520533
CCB & Cuntais Iniúchta - AGM & Audited Accounts
The AGM of Comharchumann Oileán Árainn Mhóir was held in the Culture Centre on 14 June 2009. Shareholders who could not be in attendance at the AGM can obtain copies of the audited accounts from the offices of an comharchumannn.
Citizens Information - Faisnéis do Shaoránaigh
(Faisnéis do Shaoránaigh)
A Free Advice & Confidential Service
The Dungloe Citizens Information Officer will be in attendance
In Comharchumann Oileán Árainn Mhóir Teo
On Friday 19th June 2009
Between 10.30am – 1.00pm
Dealing with Social Welfare Entitlements, Housing Grants, Insulation Grants, Health Entitlements; Employment Rights, Family Matters, Consumer Rights, Education etc.
Forms & Information on Back to School Clothing & Footwear Allowance.
No Appointment Necessary
Cruinniú Speisialta – Special Meeting
Comharchumann Oileán Árainn Mhóir Teo
Cruinniú Speisialta – Special Meeting
14 Meitheamh/June 2009
An Chultúrlann 5:15 i.n.
Clár – Agenda
Moladh rialacha leasaithe na gComharchumann Gaeltachta
Adoption of amended rules for Gaeltacht Co-operatives
Cuirfear sólaistí ar fáil
Comharchumann Oileán Árainn Mhóir Teo
Cruinniú Cinn Bliana/Annual General Meeting
14 Meitheamh/June 2009
An Chultúrlann, Fál a’ Ghabhann
4:00 i.n.
Comharchumann Oileán Árainn Mhóir Teo - Folúntas Sealadach
Beidh an té a cheapfar ina c(h)ainteoir líofa Gaeilge.
A temporary part-time vacancy has arisen in an comharchumann. (20 hours per week) The appointee will be a fluent Irish speaker.
Dualgais: Responsibilities
Comhoibriú le foireann an chomharchumainn agus ag tacú le spriocanna agus aidhmeanna an chomharchumainn. Support staff, aims & objectives of an comharchumann.
Cúramaí riarachán. Administrative duties.
Cáilíochtaí: Qualifications
Gaeilge Líofa / Fluent Irish speaker
Scileanna maithe cumarsáide / Good communication skills
Scileanna maithe ríomhaireachta / Good computer skills
Iarratas i scríbhinn chuig an seoladh thíos roimh 12 Meitheamh 2009.
Applications in writing to the address below by 12 June 2009.
Nóirín Uí Mhaoldomhnaigh
Comharchumann Oileán Árainn Mhóir Teo
Árainn Mhór
Co Dhún na nGall
Buiséid na n-eagraíochtaí Gaeilge slán
Mhínigh an tUasal Ó hArgáin in agallamh ar RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta an tseachtain seo go mb’éigean d’Fhoras na Gaeilge fanacht go dtí mí Bealtaine na bliana seo chun fáil amach go díreach cá mhéad airgid a chuirfí ar fáil do bhuiséad an Fhorais i mbliana.
Deimhníodh le déanaí gur cuireadh in iúl dóibh gur gearradh siar de 10% ó bhuiséad na bliana 2008 a bheidh i gceist. Chuir urlabhraí de chuid an Fhorais in iúl do Chomhdháil Náisiúnta na Gaeilge go bhfuil gearradh siar déanta ar ghníomhaíochtaí intí, agus is mar gheall ar na coigiltí seo gur féidir feidhmiú taobh istigh de bhuiséad laghdaithe, gan airgead na n-eagraíochtaí Gaeilge a ghearradh a thuilleadh.
Mar fhreagra ar fhiosruithe Chomhdháil Náisiúnta na Gaeilge faoi fheidhmíocht an Fhorais laistigh de Bhuiséid laghdaithe agus na himpleachtaí a bhaineann leis sin don phobal mhínigh urlabhraí an Fhorais gur bhain na coigiltí le hísliú de 8% a d’éirigh leo a aontú lena soláthraithe agus le ciorrú ar scéimeanna comharthaí dátheangacha, scéimeanna Gnó le Gaeilge, agus scéimeanna campaí samhraidh chomh maith le gearradh siar in ábhair bholscaireachta.
Gearrfar siar freisin ar an méid urraíochta a chuirfidh an Foras ar fáil, agus an méid fógraíochta a dhéanfar. Luaigh urlabhraí an Fhorais freisin go raibh 69 post ceadaithe don Fhoras nuair a bunaíodh ar dtús é, agus go bhfuil siad ag feidhmiú le foireann de 51 duine.
Is ar an gclár Adhmhaidin ar Raidió na Gaeltachta a chuala na heagraíochtaí Gaeilge an dea-scéal den chéad uair agus tuigtear do Chomhdháil Náisiúnta na Gaeilge go bhfuil an t-eolas á chur in iúl do na heagraíochtaí go hoifigiúil de réir a chéile.
Is cinnte go bhfáilteofar roimh an deimhniú seo le gur féidir leis na heagraíochtaí leanúint ar aghaidh lena gclár oibre don bhliain ag soláthar seirbhísí den scoth don phobal agus ag cinntiú luach ar airgid ar gach caiteachas.
Díospóireacht phoiblí faoi stádas na Gaeltachta á lorg ag Údarás
Dúirt sé nach leor do phobail a éileamh go dteastaíonn uathu a stádas Gaeltachta a choinneáil ach gur gá plean gníomhaíochta a chur i dtoll a chéile a thabharfaidh aghaidh ar na dúshláin a bhaineann le treisiú na Gaeilge mar theanga phobail agus mar theanga teaghlaigh.
Thagair sé chomh maith don tuairimíocht atá ann faoi athruithe ar struchtúr agus ar fheidhmeanna an Údaráis roimh dheireadh 2010 agus mhol sé do riarthóirí na nIonad Seirbhísí Teanga agus gníomhairí eile pobail ar fud na Gaeltachta díospóireacht agus plé a chothú maidir leis an struchtúr stáit is fearr a d’oirfeadh do riachtanais na Gaeltachta sa ré dúshlánach chinniúnach atá romhainn amach. Reáchtáil Údarás na Gaeltachta an seimineár do stiúrthóirí na nIonad Seirbhísí Teanga in Óstán Bhaile Chlár na Gaillimhe inné.
Tá 32 Ionad Seirbhísí Teanga anois bunaithe ag an Údarás ar fud na Gaeltachta agus tugadh stiúrthóirí na nIonaid le chéile le plé a dhéanamh ar fhorbairt na nIonad agus ar a ngníomhaíochtaí margaíochta.
Cruinniú Cinn Bliana/Annual General Meeting
Comharchumann Oileán Árainn Mhóir Teo
Cruinniú Cinn Bliana/Annual General Meeting
14 Meitheamh/June 2009
An Chultúrlann, Fál a’ Ghabhann
4:00 i.n.
Comharchumann Oileán Árainn Mhór Teo
Cruinniú Speisialta – Special Meeting
14 Meitheamh/June 2009
An Chultúrlann 5:15 i.n.
Clár – Agenda
Moladh rialacha leasaithe na gComharchumann Gaeltachta
Adoption of amended rules for Gaeltacht Co-operatives
Cuirfear sólaistí ar fáil
Uirlisí & Treallamh Ceoil a lorg!
0868259752 nó 0749532949
An dtig leat cuidiú linn? An bhfuil uirlisí ceoil ar bith ina luí thart fan teach agat ag piocadh suas dústa agus gur mhaith leat réitigh a fháil díofa. Uirlisí úra nó úsaidte, uirlisí athláimhe nó bríste. Má tá, cá tuighe nach smaoineann tú ar iad a bhronnadh ar ghrúpa deonach pobail atá ag obair in Ionad Naomh Pádraig i nDobhar anseo i nGaeltacht Ghaoth Dobhair.
Mar pháirt den siniú breise atá a chur le Ionad Naomh Pádraig, tá Stiúideo Taifeadta agus seomra breá ceoil, ach ar an droch uair go dtí seo, tá ganntanas agus réimhse teoranta uirlisí 's treallamh ceoil againn fá na choinne.
'Sén fís atá againn nó gur mhaith linn cur leis an stóras uirlisí ceoil atá againn ins an Ionad, sá doigh ‘s go mbeidh deis againn tacú agus cuidiú le níos mó daoine ceol a fhoghlaim agus suim a chur i gcursaí ceoil. Tá muid ag iarraí, idir og ‘s aosta ónar bpobal fein anseo agus níos fuaide o bhaile, a spreagadh 's a ghríosadh le suim, tuiscint agus grá a léiriú dón oidhreacht ársa agus luachmhar ceoil fán taobh seo tíre. Ba mhaith linn go mbeeadh sé ar a gcumasc ansin, tallann agus féith an cheoil seo a shíneadh ar aghaibh chuig gluntaí úra de cheoltoirí agus cumadoirí díograiseacha.
Bá mhaith linn do thacaíocht le cuidiú linn ins na hiarrachtaí atá idir lámh againn agus muid ag triall ar achan sort gléas agus treallamh ceoil faoin spéir a bhailiú. Béidh fáilte chroiúil roimh achan déanamh agus cinéal de ghleas ceoil. Mar atá, Giotáir agus Doird, Pianónna agus Méarchláir, Uirlisí Práis agus Gaotha, Uirlisí Drumaí agus Cnagtha, uirlisí dúsacha na hÉireann agus srl.
Má thig leat cuidiú linn agus gur mhaith leat uirlis ceoil de short ar bith a bhronnadh ar ár dtógra ceoil, dean teagmhail linn le do thoil. Beidh lúchair orainn fósta glacadh le treallamh ceoil, seastáin ceoil, DVD’s, CD’s, téipeanna agus leabhair ceoil srl.
Má thig leat cuidiú linn, cur glaoch ar Mháire, Bainisteóir Ionad Naomh Pádraig, ar 0868259752 nó 0749532949. Curthar fáilte roimh achan sort uirlis nó treallamh ceoil agus beidh achan nduine a bhronann a mhacasamhail orainn, admhaithe go pearsanta.
Strike a Charitable Chord!
A Plea for Unwanted Musical Instruments
Can you help us? Do you have any unwanted, New – Second Hand – Used – Broken musical instruments sitting around your house collecting dust? If so, why not consider donating them to a voluntary community group at Ionad Naomh Pádraig Community Centre in Dore, Gweedore. We have incorporated a state of the art Recording Studio and Music Room into the extension development of our community centre, however, we currently have a very limited selection of musical instruments. Our aim is to add to the assortment of musical instruments available and in doing so, to help more people to take up and learn music. We want to empower both young and old from our community and beyond, with a deep appreciation, understanding and love of our rich musical heritage and in doing so, it is hoped that they in turn will pass on their musical passion to new generations of musical enthusiasts.
To help us achieve our aims, we call upon your assistance. We hope to assemble all sorts of musical instruments and equipment. All Types, Makes and Models will be gladly accepted, Guitars and Basses, Pianos and Keyboards, Brass and Winds, Strings, Drums and Percussions, Irish and Folk instruments to mention but a few. If you can help us and wish to donate an instrument, please contact us. We would also be delighted to accept any unwanted musical equipment, music stands, DVD's and CD’s, Tapes, Music Books etc for our music room.
We sincerely hope that this plea will strike chords with many people right across our community and further a field and that they will consider support us in our efforts. We truly believe that all that is need to succeed in helping others enjoy the beauty and celebration of live music-making, is a generous spirit and a gift of a musical instrument. If you can help us and wish to donate an instrument, please do not hesitate to contact Ionad Naomh Pádraig manager, Mary on 0868259752 or 0749532949. All donations of musical instruments and equipment will be greatly appreciated and personally acknowledged.
Donegal Walking Week Brochure 24th-30th May
Details of the walk on Oileán Árainn Mhóir are as follows:
Walk: Slí Árainn Mhóir, Aranmore Is
Date: Wednesday 27th May 2009
Time of Walk: 1.00 pm - 4.00 pm
Start Point: Ferry Pier
Finish Point: Ferry Pier
Distance: 5.5 miles
Contact for registration: Sean Mac Eachmharcaigh
T: 074 9520533
E: mailto:Ecomharchumann@oileanarainnmhoir.com
Ferry timtables to Arranmore Island can be accessed at following links
http://www.arranmoreferry.com/Products.htm http://www.arranmorecharters.com/time-table/
It is hoped that as many individuals, families, schools and workplaces as possible will get active and get walking. Donegal Walking Week provides a great opportunity for the local community and visitors to get out and sample the many walking opportunities the county has on offer.
Download Donegal Walking Week Brochure 2009:
Comharchumann Oileán Árainn Mhóir Teo - Folúntas/Vacancy
20 uair sa tseachtain/20 hours per week
Tacú le foireann agus custaiméirí an chomharchumainn. /Support staff and customers of an comharchumann.
Solúbthacht i dtaca le sceideal agus uaireanta oibre./Flexibility in relation to working schedules & times.
Thaithí i dtaca le cúrsaí chothabhála/tógála./Experience in relation to maintenance/building works.
Ceadúnas tiomána iomlán agus glan./Full, clean driving license.
Toilteanach i leith freastal ar chúrsa(í) sláinte & sábháilteachta de réir mar is gá./Willing to undertake health & safety training course(s) as necessary.
Glacfar le hiarratais i scríbhinn, ag an seoladh thíos roimh an 22 Bealtaine 2009./Applications in writing please, to the address below by 22 May 2009.
An Bainisteoir
Comharchumann Oileán Árainn Mhóir Teo
Árainn Mhór
Leitir Ceanainn
Co Dhún na nGall
Roads Maintenance Programme-Donegal County Council
An Comharchumann has been advised by Donegal County Council that employees of Donegal County Council will begin road maintenance works on the island within two weeks.
Co. Donegal Community Education Forum Courses
1. Group Work Theory & Practice (June - July ’09)
2. Community Development Theory (Sept - Oct ’09)
Second Chance Education Project for Women
What is the Co Donegal Community Education Forum?
Co Donegal Community Education Forum was established in January 2007 by the Co Donegal VEC’s Adult Education Services and a number of community partners, with the aim of recognising the importance of promoting and supporting community education provision in the county.
Research carried out on behalf of the Forum recommended that training for tutors in community development principles and appropriate group facilitation skills be provided.
The members of the Forum are:
Francine Blaché Breen Community Workers Co-operative
Noel Bradley Community Education Worker
Finola Brennan Donegal Women’s Network
Mary Crossan St. Johnston & Carrigans Resource Centre
Mary English Second Chance Education Project for Women
Crona Gallagher Co Donegal VEC
Paul Kernan Pobail Le Chéile CDP
Denise Mc Cool Inishowen Development Partnership
Maeve Mc Garvey Co Donegal VEC
Who is the course for?
The course is aimed at people who are involved in community education and/or community development and who wish to learn more about social analysis and group facilitation with a view to using these skills in their work
• Community Education Tutors
• People who are active in community organisations
• Youth Leaders
Course content:
Module 1 - Group Work Theory & Practice
FETAC Level 6
Unit 1 Group Work Theory and Practice
Unit 2 Group Construction and Roles
Unit 3 Task and Process in Groups
Unit 4 Group Stages
Unit 5 Co-facilitated Practical Workshop
Module 2 - Community Development Theory
FETAC Level 6
Unit 1 History of Community Development in Ireland
Unit 2 Key Principles and Theory of Community Development
Unit 3 Community Development as a Strategy for challenging Inequalities
Unit 4 Relationship of Community Development Theory and Practice
What will I get out of the course?
Learners who successfully complete these modules will: -
•Acquire critical understanding of the theory underpinning group work
•Reflect on individual group work practice
•Acquire interpersonal skills applicable to group work practice
•Evaluate their practice as group workers
•Develop creative methods of approach to facilitation
•Appreciate the importance of the processes involved in co-facilitation
•Develop a knowledge and understanding of the history of Community Development in the Irish context
•Have knowledge of the key principles of Community Development elicited from their own practice and knowledge from community development theory
•Examine and critically analyse the role of Community Development as a strategy for challenging inequalities
•Examine and critically analyse their own practice based on Community Development principles and theory
•Develop skills in analysis in relation to Community Development
Where and when does the course take place?
Location: Letterkenny, in the Donegal Travellers Project building
Level 7, Unit 2, Justice Walsh Rd, Letterkenny
Dates: Module 1: Thursdays 4th 18th 25th June & 2nd July
Time: 10.00a.m. – 5.00p.m.
Cost: €100 (module 1)
Module 2: Sept – Oct ’09 (dates to be finalised later)
Module 2 is provided by the Donegal CWC Harnessing Equality for Lasting Peace Project which is supported by the Peace III Programme managed by the Special EU Programmes Body by the Community Relations Council/Border Action Consortium.
How do I register? Download and complete registration form at above link and forward to:
Maeve Mc Garvey
Community Education Facilitator
Ard Scoil na gCeithre Máistir
Tír Chonaill St.,
Donegal Town
Telephone: 074 9725520
Fax: 074 9725525
E-mail: maevemcgarvey@donegalvec.ie
Deadline for applications is 5.00p.m.Friday 15th May 2009
Cúrsaí Sábháilteachta BIM - BIM Safety Courses
Cúrsaí Raidió - 2 Meitheamh 2009 (ochtar rannpháirtithe)
Cúrsaí Raidió - 8 Meitheamh 2009 (na rannpháirtithe eile)
Cúrsa 3 lá - sábháilteachta mara - ón 15 Meitheamh, 2009
Is féidir tuilleadh eolais a fháil ach teagmháil a dhéanamh leis an chomharchumann. 074 9520533
The BIM Radio & Safety Courses are due to begin on the island on Tuesday 2 June 2009.
Radio courses will begin on 2 June 2009- for the first eight participants.
Radio courses for the remainder will take place from 8 June 2009.
The sea survival courses (3 day) will take place from 15 June 2009.
For further information, contact an comharchumann. 074 9520533
Citizens Information
The Dungloe Citizens Information Officer will be in attendance
In Comharchumann Oileán Árainn Mhóir Teo
On Monday the 25th of May 2009
Between 10.30am – 1.00pm
Dealing with Social Welfare Entitlements, Housing Grants, Insulation Grants, Health Entitlements; Employment Rights, Family Matters, Consumer Rights, Education etc.
No Appointment Necessary
Parlez-vous Gaeilge?
Barry SingletonTuesday, 14 April 2009
When the Irish state was established in its current form in 1937, it was clear that the restoration of Irish as the ‘national language’ was a priority. The constitution gives primacy to Irish, recognising it as “the first official language”, with English following closely in second place.
What the special position afforded by the state to Irish meant in substance was not entirely clear. The constitution itself was debated and drafted in English and only subsequently translated into Irish. In the Houses of the Oireachtas and the Four Courts, just like in the population at large, English has always been much more widely used. While all government acts were automatically translated into Irish, the practice ceased in or about 1980 due to shortage of staff. The question of the language’s place in the running of the state remained dormant for over 20 years until a court case where the prosecuted wished to conduct his case through the Irish language. The issues raised ultimately prompted the Official Languages Act 2003.
The act aims to promote the use of Irish language for offi cial purposes to the state; to provide for the use of both official languages of the state in parliamentary proceedings, in acts of the Oireachtas, in the administration of justice, in communicating with or providing services to the public and in carrying out the work of public bodies.
These all sound good, but the practice is far-reaching, costly and entails the employment of a number of full time translators. Furthermore, not only do government acts have to be translated, printed and published, but so do reports of all state bodies, and their communications with the public have to be provided in Irish as well. Ultimately this runs into millions of euro every year.
Take for example a government handbook which was sent to all households detailing what precautions should be taken by families in case of an emergency. Yet unlike with multiple translations in instruction manuals, the addition of an Irish translation does not make the information accessible to more people. It does mean however that it doubled in size, costing significantly more to produce.
The Irish language was also given offi cial and working status in the European Union in 2005 yet despite this, fewer than 1 per cent of Dáil and Seanad debates are conducted in Irish. This has meant that since 1 January 2007, all key EU legislation has been translated into Irish. Translation, revision and publication services is estimated to cost the EU a total of €3.5 million.
In an interview with RTÉ News in 2005, the then-Minister for Foreign Affairs, Dermot Ahern said that Irish should have the same status as other languages in the EU yet when pressed about the signifi cant costs involved for seemingly no practical benefi t whatsoever, Mr Ahern said that it served as “a real psychological boost for the Irish language”.
If language was purely functional it seems that ideally we should abandon linguistic diversity as a nuisance, and adopt one universal language the world over; although we may disagree as to which one to adapt. The Irish language is clearly something worth preserving for its own sake, but have we got our priorities wrong in how we go about doing so?
The buzzword is ‘status’. Éamon Ó Cuív, Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs, has argued that every language relies on status for survival, and that much damage done to the Irish language was due to the low status accorded to it historically. The remedy is apparently to accord it high status to make it grow and survive.
Status is something a language gains when people use it, and in order for people to do so, they need to be provided with opportunities. This is why Gaelscoils and events run by Irish societies at third-level are critically important. The problem is, especially considering what it costs, the Offi cial Languages Act doesn’t seem to provide any meaningful opportunities for people to use the language.
There is perhaps a more fundamental problem with these types of promotions; they focus on providing opportunities to use the language for those already fl uent, rather than encouraging people to learn it in the fi rst place. Ultimately it is the Government’s job to encourage their citizens to learn the language in the fi rst place.
It is no secret that children learn languages much easier than adults do, and we all learn a language best through immersion. However, primary schools teachers only required to secure grades which hover above a pass in the language in their exams. Considering that fluent speakers are expected to achieve a higher grade with modest effort this is hardly encouraging. Perhaps that €3.5 million money could be better spent in training as opposed to translation first.
The problem is that many of these primary schools teachers themselves were victims to the same inadequate teaching. There is no easy solution to such a problem, but more training and offering incentives for teachers who excel at Irish and teaching it to raise standards may be a place to start.
There is a real danger that unless we learn and live our culture, we will have no more ownership over it than anyone else; it will be as much a part of who we are as the language of any other dead civilization. In an economic climate where resources are becoming increasingly limited, arguments to invest in abstract concepts like status, over teaching, become increasingly less convincing.
Sceanairt ar eagrais Ghaeilge agus Ghaeltachta
Tá eagraíochtaí Gaeilge is Gaeltachta ag feitheamh le drochscéal sa phost go luath tar éis sceanairt a bheith déanta ar chaiteachas an stáit ar chúrsaí Gaeltachta agus Gaeilge.
Agus is beag seans go bhfaighidh siad cluas éisteachta ó Aire na Gaeltachta, Éamon Ó Cuív más fúthu gearán a dhéanamh. Tuigtear do Foinse gur chuir an tAire Ó Cuív in iúl d’eagraíochtaí teanga i mBaile Átha Cliath an tseachtain seo caite go bhfuil sé ag súil le tuilleadh comhoibrithe eatarthu agus ag súil go mbainfeadh siad leas níos fearr as na hacmhainní atá acu. Ag labhairt dó ag seimineár a d’eagraigh Comhdháil Náisiúnta na Gaeilge Déardaoin, thug an tAire le fios go gcreideann sé nach bhfuil gá ach le heagraíocht teanga amháin agus is léir go bhfuil pleananna cónasctha fós ar intinn aige don earnáil Ghaeilge.
Idir an dá linn, maíonn eagrais Ghaeilge áirithe go mbeidh orthu daoine a scaoileadh chun bealaigh mar thoradh ar chiorruithe ar a mbuiséad. Agus anailís á déanamh anois ar dháileadh na gciorruithe a dhéanfar ar chostais san earnáil phoiblí sna Meastacháin Athbhreithnithe, is léir go bhfuil bascadh mór tugtha don teanga. Ciorrú E2.5m, mar shampla, a bheas ar bhuiséad Fhoras na Gaeilge, nuair a chuirtear ciorruithe ó Rialtas na Breataine san áireamh, figiúr atá i bhfad Éireann níos mó ná an méid a bhí luaite ag an Aire Gnóthaí Pobail, Tuaithe agus Gaeltachta, Éamon Ó Cuív, le cúpla seachtain anuas. Is iad na heagrais dheonacha Gaeilge is mó a bheas thíos leis sin. Ach tá drochscéal ann don Ghaeltacht freisin mar go gcaithfear E25m níos lú ar chúrsaí Gaeltachta i mbliana ná anuraidh. Titfidh buiséad Fhoras na Gaeilge ó E24.4m in 2008 go E21.9m in 2009. Is ionann sin agus ciorrú 10% ar a gcaiteachas iomlán. Tá mionchur síos déanta ar shuíomh na Roinne Airgeadais ar an mbealach a gcuirfear an ciorrú E2.5m i bhForas na Gaeilge i bhfeidhm. Gearrfar ionann is E1m den mhaoiniú a dhéanann Foras na Gaeilge ar na heagraíochtaí Gaeilge - leithéidí Gael Linn, Gaelscoileanna, Conradh na Gaeilge, Comhdháil Náisiúnta na Gaeilge, Comhluadar, Glór na nGael. Titfidh líon na ndeontas a thugann siad do na heagrais dheonacha Gaeilge ó E13.9m in 2008 go E12.9m in 2009.
Ciallaíonn sé sin go mbeidh 7% níos lú de dheontais le roinnt ar na heagrais Ghaeilge. Anuas ar sin gearrfar breis is E2m ar ghnaithí eile a ndéanann FnaG maoiniú orthu ar nós- margaíocht, fógraíocht, scéimeanna Gaeilge etc. Titfidh sé seo ó E5.5m in 2008 go E3.5m in 2009 (ciorrú 37%.) Ísleoidh buiséad na heagraíochta Colmcille ó E193,000 in 2008 go E12,941 in 2009. Ach ar an láimh eile tiocfaidh ardú 27% ar an méid a chaitheann Foras na Gaeilge ar phá agus ar phinsean foirne. Tá sé seo ag tarlú mar go bhfuil 16 post nua le cruthú. Faoi láthair tá 42 duine fostaithe go lán-aimseartha ag an bhForas agus méadóidh sé seo go 58 duine i mbliana (ardú 38%.) Ardóidh an méid a chaitear ar thuarastail ó E2.9m in 2008 go E3.7 in 2009. Geallann Foras na Gaeilge gur i nGaoth Dobhair a bheas ar a laghad cúig cinn de na postanna sin agus deirtear gur postanna iad atá ceadaithe le fada, tuairim go dtagann an tAire Ó Cuív léi. Deir Breandán Mac Craith, Oifigeach Caidreamh Poiblí, Foras na Gaeilge, nach bhfuil aon chinnteacht ann fós maidir le mionsonraí na gciorruithe. ‘Tá gearradh siar 10% déanta ar ollbhuiséad an Fhorais de réir mar a leagtar amach na meastacháin. Beidh tionchar aige sin ar na heagrais gan dabht. Cén tionchar? Tá sé sin fós le cíoradh. Ní thig liom teacht roimh an chinnidh a bheas á dhéanamh ag an mBord ar an obair ó thaobh na bhfigiúirí. Tá orainne ciorruithe a chur i bhfeidhm ar ár gcuid gníomhaíochtaí ar fad. Beidh tionchar ag an 10% ar gach rud atá ar bun ag an bhForas. Tá muid ag suí síos leis na figiúirí faoi láthair, níl siad againn féin ach le seachtain anuas nó mar sin. Beidh siad á gcur os comhair an Bhoird faoi cheann coicíse agus bheadh súil againn pictiúr níos soiléire a bheith againn an uair sin.’
Tá fíor-dhrochscéal sna meastacháin do chúrsaí Gaeltachta fré chéile. Go bunúsach caithfidh an Roinn Gnóthaí Pobail, Tuaithe agus Gaeltachta E25m níos lú ar chúrsaí Gaeltachta i mbliana ná anuraidh. Déanfar ciorrú E46m ar bhuiséad na Roinne, rud a fhágfaidh go mbeidh ionann is E442m le caitheamh aici i mbliana. Is Roinn mhór í a chuimsíonn cúrsaí drugaí, forbairt tuaithe, oileáin agus ar ndóigh an Ghaeltacht. Caitear an ceathrú cuid d’airgead na Roinne ar chúrsaí Gaeltachta ach is san earnáil sin is mó atá ualach an gciorruithe á n-iompar. Bainfear E25m ón rannóg seo den Roinn rud a chiallaíonn go bhfuil cúrsaí Gaeltachta ag iompar breis is leath den chiorrú sa Roinn in ainneoin nach gcaitear ach an ceathrú cuid den bhuiséad air. Titfidh an méid a chaithfear ar fhorbairt na Gaeltachta agus na nOileán ó E111.3m in 2008 go E85.9m do 2009. Buailfear infrastruchtúr ar na hoileáin go dona agus an soláthar laghdaithe ó E33m in 2008 go E23.7m do 2009. Tá ciorrú mór ar Údarás na Gaeltachta chomh maith agus gearrfar a gcaiteachas riaracháin ó E13.9 go 11.8m. www.foinse.ie
Comhdháil Oileáin na hÉireann - Island Fundraising Campaign
If you would like to support our work, you can make a donation to Comhdháil or even set up a standing order.
Our bank details are as follows:
Account Name: Comhdháil Oileáin na hÉireann- Bainisteoir
Number: 22015342 Sort Code: 90-38-16
Address: Bank of Ireland, Eyre Square, Galway.
If you live outside of the Republic of Ireland, you might like to donate by international electronic transfer. Our IBAN number is IE02 BOFI 9038 1622 0153 42.
If you donate €250 in one year, or just €21 a month, it could make your donation worth up to 72% more to Comhdháil, as we can claim the tax back. (See below for details.)
If you do not wish to donate money, but can offer advice or support in terms of fundraising, we would really welcome your input. Thanks for your support!
Majella Ní Chríocháin, Manager
Further Information:
Suirbhé nua ar an Ghaeilge
Toradh suntasach den tuarascáil agus cúis díomá ab ea gur chuir 47% de fhreagróirí a rugadh in Éirinn in iúl go raibh siad réasúnta inniúil agus níor chuir ach 23% acu in iúl gur úsáid siad an Ghaeilge go rialta.
Aithnítear sa tuarascáil na dúshláin atá os comhair na Gaeilge, bunaithe ar thorthaí an tsuirbhé, agus déantar moltaí ann maidir leis an Ghaeilge a fhorbairt agus a threisiú i réimsí éagsúla den saol laethúil. Ag labhairt agus é ag seoladh na tuarascála dúirt an tAire Ó Cuív, ‘Ní chuirfidh roinnt de na torthaí sa tuarascáil seo ionadh ar aon duine a phléann leis an nGaeilge mar chuid dá saol gach lá. Is é an rud is suntasaí a bhaineann leis seo go dtugann an taighde fianaise fíorasach ar fáil dúinn chun tacú leis na roghanna a dhéanaimid sa bheartas teanga.
Cabhraíonn taighde cosúil leis seo linn chun tionscnaimh agus bearta beartais a spriocdhíriú ar bhealach níos éifeachtaí, agus imscrúdú á dhéanamh againn ar thorthaí a bhaineann le haoisghrúpaí éagsúla, mar shampla.
Deireadh Seachtaine na Comhdhála - Comhdháil Weekend
Buíochas do gach duine a chur fáilte is fiche roimh ár gcuairteoirí chun an oileán ag an deireadh seachtaine. Buíochas mór do gach duine a bhí páirteach in imeachtaí an deireadh seachtaine agus díofa siúd go léir a thug gach cuidiú agus tacaíocht chun a chinntiú gur bhain ár gcuairteoirí an-sult agus taitneamh as a gcuid ama inár measc. Go raibh maith agaibh.
Thanks to all for the warm welcome extended to all our visitors to the island over the weekend. Many thanks also to those who took part in the events of the weekend and to all of those for their support and help in ensuring that the time spent by our fellow islanders in our company was enjoyed very much by all. Go raibh maith agaibh.
Calling all TUNNEL TIGERS - TG4 Documentary
TG4 Documentary
Spirit Films are currently conducting research for a television documentary film for TG4 about Irelands Tunnel Tigers. It is hoped that the focus of the documentary will centre on the Arranmore Tunnel Tigers. The documentary makers are now trying to locate and meet Tunnel Tigers from Arranmore, who are currently employed as tunnel workers or who have worked in the tunnels in the past.
Email: info@spiritfilms.ie
Thank you for your assistance.
Seirbhísí Faisnéise do Shaoránaigh-Citizens Information
Beidh Seirbhísí Faisnéise do Shaoránaigh-Citizens Information in oifigí an chomharchumainn ar an Aoine, 24 Aibreán, 2009 óna 10:45am - 1:00in. Beidh ionadaí ón Ionad Seirbhísí Faisnéise do Shaoránaigh, An Clochán Liath i láthair chun seirbhísí faisnéise, comhairle agus abhcóideachta i dtaca le seirbhísí sóisialta agus sibhialta a chur ar fáil don phobal.
Launch of Donegal Walking Week 24th-30th May
Donegal Walking Week 2009, is hoping to encourage as many individuals, families, schools and workplaces as possible to get active and get walking. The event is primarily taking place from
The week long event will kick off with a family walk at the Bluestack Centre outside Donegal Town on the 24th May. This walk will include information sessions and practical demonstrations on outdoor activities such as tent pitching, outdoor footwear and clothing and personal safety.
The week long festivities will conclude with a family fun day at Glenveagh Castle where they will present one lucky family with a €500 gift voucher sponsored by Wet’n'Wild, Letterkenny for having completed the family walking challenge!
24 Aibreán/24 April 2009
Oíche Ceoil i Hall Uí Bhaoill @ 9:00in
Traditional Music Night in Boyle’s Hall @ 9:00pm
Fiontar agus Fostaíocht ar na hOileáin
Enterprise and Employment on the Islands
Seimineár Dé Satharn 25 Aibreán , Árainn Mhór, Co. Dhún na nGall
Seminar Saturday 25 April, Árainn Mhór, Co. Donegal
9.30-10.00 Interreg Island Small Ferries Project - Guy Platten,
Caledonian Marine Assets Ltd., Scotland
10.00-10.30 Harnessing the Potential of the Sea – Dr. Micheal O’ Toole,
Marine Institute
10.30-11.00 Diversifying into Energy Efficient Building – Dr. John Lohan
Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology
11.00-11.30 Business Development Needs on the Islands – Results of
Study - Dermot Coates, Farrell Grant Sparks
11.30-11.50 Close - Tae/Caife
11.50-12.00 Seoladh Bhróisiúr Oileáin Dhún na nGall – An tAire
Éamon Ó Cuív
12.00-1.00 Seisiún Plé do na hOileánaigh leis an Aire Éamon Ó Cuív
Question and Answers for Islanders with the Minister
1.00-2.00pm Lón/Lunch
2.00-4.00pm CCB na Comhdhála - Comhdháil’s AGM
Chairperson’s Address * Minutes of AGM 2008 and matters arising
Auditor’s Report * Appointment of Auditor * Manager’s Report
Election of new committee * Any other business
Arna reáchtáil ag Comhdháil Oileáin na hÉireann* Organised by the Irish Islands Federation
Le tacaíocht ón Roinn Gnóthaí Pobail, Tuaithe agus Gaeltachta
With support from the Department of Community,
Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs