Feidhmíonn Comharchumann Árainn Mhór mar eagrais forbartha pobal a sholáthraíonn aiseanna pobal, seirbhísí trádála, seirbhísí riaracháin agus tacaíochta do phobal Árainn Mhór. Tá sé mar aidhm ag an chomharchumann, trínár gcuid gníomhaíochtaí, acmhainní timpeallachta, turasóireachta, chultúrtha agus oidhreachta an oileáin a fheabhsú agus a fhorbairt, ar mhaithe le saol eacnamaíochta, cultúrtha agus sóisialta pobal an oileáin a fheabhsú. Bainisteoir: Nóirín Uí Mhaoldomhnaigh.
Eagrais Ghaeilge slán ón tua de réir an Fhorais
Tuairisceoir Lá Nua
Amhras caite ar thuairimíocht go gcaithfear eagrais Ghaeilge i gcártaí san cháinaisnéis
Tá Foras na Gaeilge agus Conradh na Gaeilge muiníneach nach leagfar tua ar eagraíochtaí teanga timpeall na tíre de bharr an chiorraithe caiteachais atá beartaithe ag an rialtas.
Dúirt an tAire Pobail, Tuaithe agus Gaeltachta, Éamon Ó Cuív, ag tús na míosa gur shíl sé go raibh an-iomarca eagraíochtaí Gaeilge ann, agus tá tuairimíocht sna meáin faoi láthair go gcaithfear eagraíochtaí Gaeilge i gcártaí ar mhaithe le hairgead a shábháil i ndiaidh na cáinaisnéise ar 14 Deireadh Fómhair.
Dúirt urlabhraí an Fhorais go raibh athbhreithniú ar bun acu i láthair na huaire ar an maoiniú a chuireann siad ar fáil do 19 eagras Gaeilge ar leith, ach nach raibh sé seo ar bun de bharr na ndeacrachtaí reatha atá ag an státchiste.
'Níor chóir go mbeadh na heagrais buartha faoin athbhreithni; tá muid ag iarraidh a bheith cinnte go bhfuil luach ár gcuid airgid á fháil againn agus cinntiú go bhfuil an earnáil ag feidhmiú chomh maith agus is féidir léi,' arsa Breandán Mac Craith.
Dúirt an t-urlabhraí go mbeadh an t-athbhreithniú críochnaithe roimh dheireadh 2009 agus nach raibh an Foras ag súil go ndéanfaí athruithe ar líon na n-eagraíochtaí sula raibh an próiseas críochnaithe.
Dúirt sé freisin go raibh buiséad de E21 milliún ag an bhForas i mbliana ach go raibh arduithe maoinithe faoi bhun an ráta boilscithe faighte acu ón Rialtas le blianta beaga anuas.
Chaith Ardrunaí Chonradh na Gaeilge, Julian de Spáinn, amhras ar an tuairimíocht go ndúnfar eagraíochtaí Gaeilge i ndiaidh na cáinaisnéise crua atá le teacht ón Aire Airgeadais Brian Lenihan i gceann coicíse.
'Tá an t-athbhreithniú seo ar bun faoi láthair agus ní dhéanfadh sé aon chiall gearradh siar a dhéanamh ar líon na n-eagraíochtaí agus é fós ar siúl agus gan an straitéis teanga 20 bliain réidh go fóill.
'Bheadh sé deacair buiséad na Gaeilge a laghdú sa cháinaisnéis de bharr nár ardaíodh é le blianta beaga anuas, go háirithe i gcomhthéacs an ardaithe a fuair an Chomhairle Ealaíon, mar shampla.'
Dúirt Leas-Stiúrthóir Chomhdháil Náisiúnta na Gaeilge, Pádraig Ó Ceithearnaigh, go raibh sé 'fíorshimplí a rá go bhfuil an-iomarca eagraíochtaí ann ach tá na cinn ar fad atá ann faoi láthair i mbun oibre.
'Má tá ciorrú le déanamh beidh gach réimse san áireamh, ach ag an am céanna bheifeá ag súil go mbeadh ciall ag an rialtas agus nach mbainfidís an bonn ó aon earnáil ar leith leis an gciorrú,' ar seisean.
Mhaígh an Roinn Pobail, Tuaithe agus Gaeltachta nach raibh sí 'in ann aon rud a rá ag an bpointe seo faoi céard a bheidh, nó a d'fhéadfadh a bheith, nó nach mbeidh sa cháinaisnéis,' i dtaobh an Fhorais.
Seirbhís Farantóireachta Árainn (Inis Mór)
26ú M. Fómh. 2008
Tá sé curtha in iúl ag an Roinn Gnóthaí Pobail, Tuaithe agus Gaeltachta go bhfuil sé aontaithe leis an gcomhlacht farantóireachta, Island Ferries Teo, go dtiocfaidh athruithe i bhfeidhm ar an gclár-ama do na seirbhísí foirdheonaithe ó 1 Samhain 2008. Tógann na hathruithe seo iarratais éagsúla atá déanta ag pobal an oileáin san áireamh.
Is iad príomhghnéithe an amchláir ná:
- Bád ag fágáil Árann gach Luan ar 7.00 r.n. agus ag 8.30 r.n. gach lá eile, Máirt go Domhnach.
- Bád ag fágáil Ros an Mhíl gach lá den tseachtain ar 10.30 r.n. agus ag fágáil Árann gach lá ag 5.00 i.n.
- Bád ag fágáil Ros an Mhíl ag 7.00 i.n. gach tráthnóna Aoine (go dtí Meitheamh 2009) agus ag 6.30 i.n. gach tráthnóna eile den tseachtain.
Beidh seirbhís iompair go Gaillimh curtha ar fáil i gcomhar gach seribhíse.
Déanfar athbhreithniú ar sheirbhís an Luain (7.00 r.n.) tar éis dhá mhí.
Cuirfidh an Roinn fáilte roimh thuairimí phobal an oileáin maidir leis an amchlár seo i scribhínn nó ar ríomhphost chuig soflatharta@pobail.ie
roimh 17 Deireadh Fómhair 2008.
Dara háit bronnta ar Chlub Óige Árainn Mhóir - Second Place Awarded to Club Óige Árainn Mhóir
Congratulations to Club Óige Árainn Mhóir which came second place in the Better Ireland Programme. The Club Óige was awarded prize money totalling €463.00 in July 2008. Thank you to all who supported the Club during the competition!
Earraí Bána Ré-caite - End-of-life White Goods
074 9520533
An comharchumann is organising a collection of end-of-life white goods. Anyone wishing to avail of this service should contact an comharchumann for details of dates, collection fees and times when goods can be brought to an comharchumann yard.
074 9520533
Refuse Collection Charges - Táillí Bailithe Dramhaíola
Comharchumann Oileán Árainn Mhóir has been informed by the County Council that the garbage collection fees will be increased from the beginning of October. The fees for refuse bags will increase to €4.50. Refuse ticket fees will increase to €7.50. Correspondence from Donegal County Council will be issued to householders next week.
Donegal News on Friday - Coverage from the islands
Sent: 24 September 2008 15:58
To: arranmoreco.op@indigo.ie
Subject: new island note email address
I was hoping that you could spread the word that I have set up a new email address, solely dedicated to news from the islands for our upcoming comprehensive coverage of news for all our island in Donegal in our new compact format of the Donegal News on Friday. This email will be of interest for people who would like to get information into this section specifically on islands news and I would appreciate it so much if you could pass on this information and I'll look forward to getting lots of emails on news and events from the islands.
The address is simply:
Best Wishes
Seán Feeny
RTE News Coverage: Arranmore Island Development Plan Launch
Slí Árainn Mhóir/Arranmore Waymarked Way
The existing marked walk around Oileán Árainn Mhóir is sign posted as Slí Árainn Mhóir (part of Bealach na Gaeltachta which is a National Waymarked Way) and begins and ends at the Ferry port. The views in all directions along the walk are stunning and
the western half of the route is particularly remote.
Guide map of Slí Árainn Mhóir:
Distance: Approximately 14 kms
Time: 4 - 5 hours
Terrain: Quiet roads, rough track,
Grading: Moderate
Please note: Although the route is graded only moderate, it can be isolated in places, appropriate clothing and footwear should be worn, and consideration given to weather conditions likely to be
For further information:
Further information regarding walking on Oileán Árainn Mhóir, can be obtained by contacting the Arranmore Island Development Co-op
on 074 9520533/9520995.
For general information on walking in County Donegal, contact Fáilte Ireland North West on 074 9121160 or visit www.walkingdonegal.ie or
Bealach na Gaeltachta/The Gaeltacht Way /Slí na Rosann
Bealach na Gaeltachta, Dún na nGall is a set of long distance walking routes which have been developed as a national Waymarked Way by Donegal County Council and Údarás na Gaeltachta in association with Bord Fáilte. These routes have been developed in the Donegal Gaeltacht and islands. A total of 290 kms provides the walker with many opportunities to sample the unique landscape, culture and heritage of the region.
There are four primary circular routes. Three of the routes are linked by a walk. Slí an Earagail and Slí na Rossan have links to nearby islands where waymarked walks have also been developed.
Most sections of Slí an Earagail and Slí na Rosann follow tracks or minor roads. Parts of Slí na Finne and Slí Cholmcille cross upland or bogland areas with no path but provide excellent landscape and seascape views.
National Trails Day, Oileán Árainn Mhóir

This September will see the first ever event of its kind taking place across the country with everyone being encouraged to be a part of it - get out and hit the trail!
This is the first National Trails Day to be organised in Ireland and everyone is being encouraged to get out and enjoy the huge range of trails available across the country.
From walking, mountain biking, a casual stroll or a vigorous hike, National Trails Day will see events being organised around the country, to create an awareness of the trail network that is provided by many organisations free for all to enjoy.
Further Information:www.nationaltrailsday.ie/donegal.html
& Comharchumann Oileán Árainn Mhóir 074 9520533
Arranmore Island Development Plan
Arranmore Development Plan Launched
Eileen Magnier
The people of Arranmore Island off the coast of Donegal have launched a new development plan for the island. Residents of Ireland's second most populated island have warned that unless co-ordinated action is taken at all levels then Arranmore's future looks very much like its past.
The plan highlights the positive assets of the island including its natural beauty and the progress made in areas like waste management. However, it also highlights a number of serious problems including its declining population, high unemployment and a decline in the Irish language. There has been a steady fall in the population which now stands at 522 with most young people leaving as soon as they can for further education and better job opportunities. A quarter of islanders are unemployed and there is 56% male unemployment. Traditional fishing and agriculture have declined significantly. The age profile of islanders is increasing and there is a high dependency on social welfare and other state supports.
The level of fluency in the Irish language has dropped to 55% but the island's Co-op says there is great interest in the community in making Irish the main language of the island once again and they hope to employ an Irish officer to progress that.
The plan launched today, is described as a road-map for the future of the island which islanders themselves want to be part of implementing but they say they also need State support to make the plan a reality. They have identified nine areas to be addressed including the development of tourism and renewable energy projects and support for fishing and agriculture. Islanders say support is needed from State agencies to achieve their plan and Údaras na Gaeltachta Chairman Liam O'Cuinneagáin said he is optimistic the government will give its support. He said it is particularly important at times like this that we focus on creating employment and encouraging entrepreneurship.
Tidy Towns 2008
The efforts of Oileán Árainn Mhóir to improve on 2007 scores in the Tidy Towns Competition have been recognised in the 2008 Tidy Towns results. Oileán Árainn Mhóir has been awarded an Endeavour Award of €1000.00 for this years efforts in the competition. Árainn Mhór was awarded 218 points, an improvement of 6.86% on the points awarded for the 2007 entry. The competition was entered by Comharchumann Oileán Árainn Mhóir Teo and judging took place at the end of July 2008.
Well done to all concerned for their continued efforts!
Ranganna Gaeilge - Irish Classes
Venue/Ionad:An Chultúrlann, Fál a’ Ghabhann
Date of commencement/Dáta tosaithe: Meán Fómhair 2008/September 2008
Duration of course/Tréimhse an chúrsa 10 seachtainí/weeks
Levels/Leibhéil:Glantosaitheoirí & daoine le roinnt Gaeilge/Beginners & Intermediate Levels
Cáilíocht/Qualification: Beidh deis agat cáilíocht atá aitheanta ar fud na hEorpa a bhaint amach duit féin. You will have the opportunity to obtain a European qualification.
Registration/Further information contact/Clárú/tuilleadh eolais déan teagmháil le: Oifig an Chomharchumainn 074 9520533/9520995
5 Year Development Plan Launched

Comharchumann Oileán Árainn Mhóir Teo presented its five-year strategic development plan for Arranmore Island on Friday 12th September 2008. The plan was launched by Liam Ó Cuinneagáin, Chairman, Údarás na Gaeltachta in the Arranmore Enterprise Centre at 1:15pm.
The island development plan, which was compiled by planning and development consultants Canavan Associates Ltd., aims to tackle some of the issues highlighted in the earlier socio-economic survey of the island community in 2006. This new plan updates the 1994 – 1999 island development plan, also prepared by Canavan Associates, from which many worthwhile community initiatives on the island got their start. The plan was generously supported by Údarás na Gaeltachta.
The 2008 plan looks at changes on the island since the last development plan, what has been achieved, the challenges facing the island, and opportunities for future development. Delivering the Plan effectively will require a partnership approach among members of the island community, An Comharchumann and supporting agencies. It is essential that all these partners share the plan's vision and communicate with one another to achieve the actions set out.
For further information contact:
Nóirín Uí Mhaoldomhnaigh/Seán Mac Eachmharcaigh
Foireann Bainistíochta an Phlean
Comharchumann Oileán Árainn Mhóir Teo
074 9520533
Download English copy of Arranmore Development Plan:
Ioslódáil Leagan Gaeilge do Phlean Forbartha Oileán Arainn Mhóir: http://www.oileanarainnmhoir.com/Documents.htm
EU announces review of fisheries policy
"50 Footers" Leabgarrow Moorings, Arranmore Island in the 1980s.
© 2008 irishtimes.com
17 September 2008
The European Commission has announced a full-scale review of EU fisheries policy, saying current rules were doing little to curb overfishing, quota busting and other illegal fishing practices.
EU fisheries policy was last reformed in 2002 and is due for review by 2012 at the latest. While much had improved since 2002 - much stricter controls on illegal fishing, for example - there were many shortcomings, the European Commission said.
Short-term decision-making coupled with irresponsible behaviour by certain parts of the fishing industry in the European Union had penalised those fishermen acting for the common good, it said.
The result was a vicious circle that undermined both the ecological balance of the oceans and the economic profitability of the fisheries sector, it said in a statement.
Many species - cod and hake, for example - are depleted in certain EU waters due to years of chronic overfishing, exacerbated by poor controls and fines that, until recently, were not set high enough to deter lawbreakers.
"In its current form, the CFP (Common Fisheries Policy) does not encourage responsible behaviour by either fishermen or politicians," EU Fisheries Commissioner Joe Borg said.
"The management tools we use reward narrow-minded, short-term decision-making, which has now undermined the sustainability of our fisheries," he said in the statement.
In May, the Commission signalled all was not well in the fisheries sector when it issued a policy statement changing the basis for calculating its proposed fish catch volumes for 2009 and said 88 percent of EU fish stocks were overexploited.
That huge number compared with 80 percent at the same stage last year and a global average of just 25 percent, it said. The stocks situation was "alarming" and bold action was needed.
Europe's share of fish products from domestic resources had also fallen from 75 per cent in the early 1970s to 40 per cent now as it depended more and more on imports, it said.
Scientists say that unless fishing is curbed, or in some cases stopped altogether, many species in EU waters risk extinction. Cod is a prime example, especially in the North Sea and off the west coast of Scotland.
But the Commission usually shies from proposing outright fishing bans or a "zero catch", fearful of the economic impact it would have on small coastal communities that depend on fishing for their livelihood.
In any case, if the Commission does suggest quota cuts, they usually get diluted down by EU ministers who have to agree the final numbers before the next year's quotas enter into force.
Ceadaíonn Ó Cuív Eur 13,619 do Chumann Peile Árainn Mhór Aontaithe
Tá deontas de Eur11,349 á cheadú faoin Scéim Feabhsúcháin agus deontas Eur 2,270 faoin Scéim CLÁR.
Ag fógairt an deontais, dúirt an tAire go raibh áthas an domhain air a bheith in ann a leithéid de dheontas a chur ar fáil don chumann agus don oileán seo, mar go gcuirfidh sé go mór leis na háiseanna caitheamh aimsire do mhuintir an oileáin agus don aos óg ach go háirithe.
Cuireadh: Seoladh Plean Forbartha. Invitation: Launch of Development Plan
Invitation: Launch of Arranmore Island Development Plan
Tugann Comharchumann Oileán Árainn Mhóir Teo cuireadh do phobal Árainn Mhóir bheith i láthair nuair a sheolfaidh Liam Ó Cuinneagáin, Cathaoirleach Údarás na Gaeltachta, Plean Forbartha Oileán Árainn Mhóir 2008-2013 in Ionad Fiontraíochta Árainn Mhóir ar an Aoine, 12 Meán Fómhair 2008, ag 1:15i.n.
Comharchumann Oileán Árainn Mhóir Teo invites all members of the community to attend the launch of the Arranmore Island Development Plan 2008-2013. The plan will be officially launched by Liam Ó Cuinneagáin, Chairman, Údarás na Gaeltachta, in the Arranmore Enterprise Centre on Friday, 12 September 2008 at 1:15p.m.